What is the King of Cups holding?


I just noticed yesterday that the King of cups is holding something in his left hand. What is it and why is it's image also carved in the leg of his throne. Does it have any particular meaning for the card?


The Mace is a symbol of the King's authority.
Click on to view: Royal Mace (set)

The King of Cups Mace features a Lotus design.
Click on to view: Lotus Flower Capital-Column

The Lotus Flower represents many things:

Awakening Dreams
Uniting Heaven & Earth
Creating a New World
Beauty, Harmony & Tranquility
Clearing Pathways
Opening Hearts
Blossoming Souls
Growing Spiritually
Love, Abundance & Success
Transforming Lives
Living with Intention


Thank you for all the info. I have another question about the Kings. The King of Cups and Pentacles are both hold maces, right? Or is he King of Pentacles holding something different? If the mace is a symbol od the King's Authority then why do only the Kings of Cups and Pentacles have them, and not the King of Swords and Wands?


I think it's a "Guy" thing...

To suggest Kingly authority a Wand or Sword
stands up very nicely, but for Pentacles and
Cups maybe a boost was added~ a visual aid.


I see now! So the wand and sword stand in place of the mace. That makes sense. Thanks!