Favorite Spreads


Hi, everyone --

I know people have given their favorite spreads in the past, but those threads are gone now, except for the "Spread -- Searching or Creating" thread, which has some good ones. For newer members who would like to share their favorite spreads, or for anyone who wouldn't mind sharing theirs again, I'd love to read them.

Thanks --

P.S. Here's one favorite of mine -- a five-card spread:

1) Past
2) Present
3) Hidden Factor
4) Advice
5) Outcome


Hope this thread gets a lot of reply's
I'm always in for a new spread

Well my favourite spread is not realy a spread. I just lay out three cards. Seems to work all the time aspecially when you have just a few minutes

My second favourite spread is my week spread
1 Theme of the week
2 The tasks
3 The chances

Love and Light

Geenius at Wrok

For anything in-depth, I usually use the Celtic Cross. For simpler readings, I like the Key of Hermes (described in the Nigel Jackson LWB) or a three-card "dialectic" spread. I'm also very impressed with Aeonx's Star spread, though I haven't had occasion to use it yet.


geenius, for those who don't have the Nigel Jackson deck, please describe this spread?

my spread is just a horizontal line of cards, depends how many meanings i give to positions, how many cards you get.
and not using positions, just create a story from the cards works as well.

and i don't like the CC spread :(




You read my mind Lee!!! For the last couple of days I've been thinking I (or someone) should post the spread that Talisman came up with for all the newbies!!!

******By the way Talisman - I still use and love your spread!!!! :)


1) INNER REALITY: the question, your private thoughts, the things the world may not see about you what is hidden, subconscious
2) OUTER REALITY: the world around you, shared reality, environment, family, work, home, lovers, friends
--cards 1 and 2 form the central dynamic of the reading--

4) PRESENT: significant issues surrounding the question or situation
--cards 3, 4, and 5 are the foundation of the matter; the 3 card spread--

6) LESSON CARD: Guidance, wishes, detours, obstacles, challenges
7) FUTURE: What you are moving toward on the path you're following, or situation just beginning
8) WILD CARD: The element of surprise, an aspect not considered, a synthesis to pull the reading together.

I LOVE this spread. It's a very good alternative to the Celtic Cross. YEA for Talisman!!!! :) LOL


oh, i like talisman's spread above. thank you for that.

a few days ago, i was feeling frustrated and blocked and did a variation on my basic three card spread to find out why. i laid a crossing card over each one, to stand for the energy that was blocking my inner directives. i got a very surprising result, the bottom of line of which was i'd be in much deeper trouble if i _wasn't_ blocked by all these forces, so i should sit back and have a rest.

for questions that require a lot more background information, i'm a fan of rachel pollack's work cycle:


3-4 -- 5-6-7 -- 8-9

cards 1 and 2 form a cross and are interpreted the same as in the celtic cross spread, with more emphasis on 2 as a development or outcome of 1.

1: inner, some basic quality of the person
2: outer, how that quality translates into action

3: past experience
4: expectations, fears and hopes

5,6,7: work cards. represent opportunities and issues to work on

8: outcome, the way things will likely end up
9: result, the effect the outcome will have on the querant's life


I like the 3 card spread because it can have its positions change to any number ofthingsdepending onthe reading,whetherit be past/present/future, body/mind/spirit, etc, Mary Greer lists a lot of possibilities in Tarot for Yourself :)


I usually do a 1---2---3---4 card spread. It is very helpful

1. Past influences
2. Present Influences
3. Future influences
4. Outcome


Yea! for faunabay


I kinda always called this spread the Teacup, cause of its shape, or, the faunabay, cause she seemed to be the only person who really understood what it was all about. Even the phases of the moon.

In a long ago post, faunabay used the phrase, "Celtic Cross rut." And, I thought, me too.

I once wrote a long, long bunch'a stuff about my "Blue Bandanna" spread. Found a print out the other day. Gosh!

So, I agonized in pleading posts about creating the perfect spread, asking Aeclectians for help. I wanted a do-everything spread, like, say, pantyhose, one size fits all, diminutive or queen-size.

Thus, the Talisman spread. Complicated and kinky, 'cause each position can mean so many things, depending on surrounding cards. And, along comes faunabay, whose intuitive parangs and machetes cut through all the complications.

Well, works for me. And I'm so pleased that someone got it right.

I hope some of you have the patience to try this spread, and make it work for you.



A friend of mine once suggested a spread of the ABC's of psychology when her daughter was wanting to do something other than the celtic cross (only spread she knew at the time). The daughter really wanted to use 4 cards, but I normally use only the first 3 and use this for my daily spread.

1: Affect (emotions)
2: Behavior (actions)
3: Cognition (thoughts)

optional 4: key that ties it all together. It is a really simple spread, but can give a lot of information, and her 9 y/o found it very easy to read (as do I)

I've also noticed that overall I tend to be drawn to 7 card spreads, to me they are meaty without being cumbersome (which the CC can become at times), but I don't know that I have 1 fave.
