Ace of Pentacles as... ??? (Pentacles in non-monetary sense in general)


Context: My ex and I are trying to be friends and I'm really dubious about it because, while I want to try, I'm pretty sure it's just going to keep me from getting over him. (We broke up because I moved across the country for work.)

Tarot: I've been asking the cards, "What kind of relationship will we have?" (I've read for this question twice) and "What's in store for me romantically? (Outside of the relationship with him - I've done this reading once)." and I get Ace of Pentacles a lot. (This is over the course of the last month).

For me, the Ace of Pentacles is generally related to work/money and, in a non romantic context, I'd link it to the new job - but I would NEVER date where I work so I feel like the cards are telling me that I'll make friends? (I haven't started the job yet.) And have friendships instead of romantic relationships? But I'm not seeing any of my standard friendship cards (three of cups) anywhere.



Well i must say that everytime i got ace of pentacles i got a job offer...I got this card only for someone's feelings towards me and it meant he wanted to take things seriously..
As prospect for the future there are two possibilites as sometimes the tarot empasises what's more important for you to know: it might be a new job coming in your way that may keep you busy from love...or simply you will receive a "love offer" from an admirer and it might represent a relationship on a high level. With love offer i reffer that a new person may ask you to be his girlfriend or fiancee..
May i say that the ace of pentacles sometimes suggests a engagement ring?
I dont like the 3 of cups romantically...for me it meant group of don't want group of women in your love life so the ace of pentacles in a reading is much better :)


This ace is the potential for networking, making friends, working on yourself. You are not ready for a new romantic relationalship. Before you can sell yourself as available, you need to be. You need to start down that path, and see what you find. The first step is always the hardest. Nurture yourself.


To me its saying you've moved across the country for work (ace of pents), so what are you really expecting from him ???

Also you cant ask two questions, and pull out one card, how is that going to work ? Which is for which...


Sorry Sharla - I should clarify: I'm asking different questions and doing different readings and the Ace of Pent. is the outcome I'm getting in both readings.

So these are two different readings giving me the same outcome.


In general the aces are an indication that fresh energy is coming into play, and that whats needed is for you to concentrate on directing that energy in useful directions.

The ace in the suit of Pentacles can be read to suggest the beginning of something tangible, and as such it can be an indication of physical manifestation, in the sense, that it can signal that something is about to materialize or come into being.

I view this Ace as a 'doorway to make progress', in the sense, that under this influence the querent is "able to attract" what is needed.

Also just so you know, because this card can represent 'A Beginning in the Physical World', it sometimes reveals a pregnancy (ie. conception).

In any event, as Aces can be empowering, i'd view a re-occuring ace as a sign to take advantage of opportunities as they come.


Pentacles stand for safety and security. If we do not feel secure with another person, this flows over into our feelings. For instance, I once dated a guy who was very stingy with money. I didn't stay with him because I felt as though this stinginess was a symptom that represented his entire approach to life and relationships. I also didn't feel like I would ever be entirely safe with him because I didn't think he would take care of me if something happened. Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

We start out at the bottom, our physiological needs, food, shelter etc.. We cannot move up until we get these needs met. Once we get these needs met, we move on to safety. Above safety is love and belonging. We cannot move to this level unless we get our safety needs met. I would examine his and your attitudes towards money. Do you feel safe with him? Is he generous or all about himself? Since it's upright, it suggests that all of these things would be positive.