Stars + house + coffin..Need someones advice


Cards above the head... the current influence or what's on the persons mind.

The cards around like a 4 or 9 square... present or going on now.

Different methods and ways. Some do the direction the people card face and some do the left 3 cards in a column directly next to the sitter as near future. If on the cards to face - end of something - may not know what to do next but also may not be in the person's control.

GT is in depth and a lot more to it than smaller spreads.

I don't understand what you mean about the last 2 rows being the current influence and the future. I thought whatever's to the right of you is the future and the upper diagonal and lower diagonal going form the significator was the future.

I understand about the immediate or near cards being the most significant, important or quick to happen say, im just a bit confused with the other you've mentioned. If you don't mind explaining more.


Cards above the head... the current influence or what's on the persons mind.
Yes i understand that whats above you are whats going on in your head, and that you may be carrying all this weight on top of you
The cards around like a 4 or 9 square... present or going on now.
I understand this.
Different methods and ways. Some do the direction the people card face and some do the left 3 cards in a column directly next to the sitter as near future. If on the cards to face - end of something - may not know what to do next but also may not be in the person's control.
Funny you mention about the direction the people card faces because in my deck the woman card faces left and the man card faces right, and i have wondered about this before so if the person is in there past they are facing each other, but if in their future like in my recent GT they are facing away. I know some people read the future in the GT going by which way the significator faces which means i would be reading everything to my left as the future. I don't like this way though i prefer to just stick with left as the past and right as the future unless like you say the significator lands on the far right, meaning the person has a lot of stuff they still need to deal with from their past until they can move on. To me when someone lands on the end row its like they are stuck and can't move they've literally hit a brick wall.
GT is in depth and a lot more to it than smaller spreads.