Celtic Cross Future and Outcome positions


Depends on Major or Minor too

In my experience I found the Near Future card (if it's a minor) to manifest in a span of only a few days at most...while the Outcome card, particularly if it's a Major takes about a month to unfold.

If it's a Major Arcana card in the near future, it usually points to me thinking about bigger themes during that day or the next few days.

Hope that helps :)


In my experience I found the Near Future card (if it's a minor) to manifest in a span of only a few days at most...while the Outcome card, particularly if it's a Major takes about a month to unfold.

If it's a Major Arcana card in the near future, it usually points to me thinking about bigger themes during that day or the next few days.

Hope that helps :)

Thanks so much angelf1sh!
It makes sense, I'll take it into consideration when reading :)