Casting a chart on behalf of someone else ?


If i cast a chart on behalf of someone else, in regards to what they want to know, then do i use my location and timezone(being the astrologer) or do i use their location and timezone...and as they are in a different country.


If i cast a chart on behalf of someone else, in regards to what they want to know, then do i use my location and timezone(being the astrologer) or do i use their location and timezone...and as they are in a different country.

As the Astrologer, you always use your own location. It's your chart, though you are going to use it to answer someone else's question. They will take the first.


As the Astrologer, you always use your own location. It's your chart, though you are going to use it to answer someone else's question. They will take the first.

Okay thanks Minderwiz.