Re-light the fire


There us a key to all readings, it might not be the first card, but every reading has it. It has that one thing that unlocks everything, that opens the cupboard, allowing things to cascade out, spilling forth all the knowledge that has been hidden from view. It is that moment of clarify that hits you square in the face, like ice water on a hot day. It’s the corner of the packet to whatever you want to open, if might take awhile to open it, but when you do, all the goodies inside are yours.

Many times when we are reading we struggle for the corner to pull, or the key to the reading, sometimes in the beginning its hard to find, you might not even believe its there…but it is, it might be hidden in a corner, or be a blatant, but it is there. When you first have your key moment, your smile will stretch across your face like the man 9 of cups.

Sometimes when we have been reading for a long time, we get so used to the ignition of the spark, we don’t notice how fantastically amazing it anymore, we only see the dull glow, the embers but not the glorious fire.

Then one day, we catch a glimpse of the spark again, the glint of the light on the key that holds the secrets, we feel the warmth again on our faces, and our hearts.

Its then we remember why we started getting into Tarot.