Very Unlike Kabbalah


The planetary attributions are, so far as I know, mine alone.
All are based on the ancient Phoenician alphabet:

Letters 1, 13, 21: Aleph, Mem, Sin:
Air, Water/Earth, Fire.

Letters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19:
5 He: 1st mo: exaltation of the Sun
6 Waw: 2nd mo: exaltation of the Moon
7 Zayin: 3rd mo: exaltation of North Node
8 Heth: 4th mo: exaltation of Jupiter
9 Teth: 5th mo.
10 Yodh: 6th mo: exaltation of Mercury
12 Lamedh: 7th mo: exaltation of Saturn
14 Nun: 8th mo.
15 Samekh: 9th mo: exaltation of South Node
16 Ayin: 10th mo: exaltation of Mars
18 Tsade: 11th mo.
19 Qoph: 12th mo: exaltation of Venus

I think the planets appear in the order of their distance from
the Earth (looking out the window, or over the garden fence):
Letters 2, 3, 4, 11, 17, 20, 22:

2 Beth: Moon
3 Gimmel: Venus
4 Daleth: Mars
11 Kaph: Mercury (as always, with Virgo)
17 Pe: Sun (upon the arrival of Capricorn, like Christmas)
20 Res: Jupiter
22 Taw: Saturn

It is significant that Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius do not
have exaltations: it has something to do with the Moon.
Another mystery, but one that I am (happily) working on.


"Taurus ~ Leo ~ Scorpio ~ Aquarius"

1st mo. He: exaltation of the Sun
2nd mo. Waw: exaltation of the Moon
3rd mo. Zayin: exaltation of North Node

4th mo. Heth: exaltation of Jupiter
5th mo. Teth: (no exaltation) ~Sin
6th mo. Yod: exaltation of Mercury

7th mo. Lamedh: exaltation of Saturn
8th mo. Nun: (no exaltation) ~Mem
9th mo. Samekh: exaltation of South Node

10th mo. Ayin: exaltation of Mars
11th mo. Tsade: (no exaltation) ~Aleph
12th mo. Qoph: exaltation of Venus

I think the planets appear in the order of their distance from
the Earth (looking out the window, or over the garden fence):
Letters 2, 3, 4, 11, 17, 20, 22:

2 Beth: Moon
3 Gimmel: Venus
4 Daleth: Mars
11 Kaph: Mercury (as always, with Virgo)
17 Pe: Sun (upon the arrival of Capricorn, like Christmas)
20 Res: Jupiter
22 Taw: Saturn

Letters 1, 13, 21: Aleph, Mem, Sin:
Air, Water, Fire.


Fulgour said:
It is significant that Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius do not
have exaltations: it has something to do with the Moon.
Another mystery, but one that I am (happily) working on. [/B]

How do you feel about the modern planets?

Some modern astrologers place Mercury as exalted in Aquarius (I can see the affinity, but don't feel that Mercury is debilitated in any way in Leo which this attribution would imply), and most place Uranus as exalted in Scorpio.

There are so many theories as to where Neptune and Pluto are exalted, that I'm very dubious that the outers have exaltations at all - but it's interesting to consider.

(As an aside, since we don't know where the concept of exaltation really came from - especially the specific *degrees* of exaltation - I'm personally dubious about assigning outers to points of exaltation at all).


Fulgour said:
I think the planets appear in the order of their distance from
the Earth (looking out the window, or over the garden fence):
Letters 2, 3, 4, 11, 17, 20, 22:

2 Beth: Moon
3 Gimmel: Venus
4 Daleth: Mars
11 Kaph: Mercury (as always, with Virgo)
17 Pe: Sun (between Capricorn and Aquarius, like Christmas)
20 Res: Jupiter
22 Taw: Saturn

Hi Fulgour
Some interesting correspondences. The correspondences for the first three are pretty straightforward and I think nothing particularly controversial in them, Priestess/Moon, Empress/Venus and Emperor Mars all fit. The associations with the last four are not to me so obvious though. How do you see that Mercury 'fit's with Strength; The Sun with the Star; Jupiter with Judgement and Saturn with Fool? What do you consider the connecting associations?



Fluffmeister said:
How do you feel about the modern planets?
Not really having a leg to stand on myself with these attributions,
it might seem irresponsible of me to say the modern planets don't
fit... but isn't it very revealing how misunderstood exaltations are,
seeing how willy-nilly the allocations for the mods were done?

By Stephen Cauchi
March 10 2003
A New York planetarium in 1999 did not include Pluto in its display
of planets, and the IAU was forced to deny rumours that year it would
delist Pluto. But some academics, like Ross Taylor of the Australian
National University, have already removed Pluto from planet status
in their textbooks. "Most astronomers now say there are eight planets,"
Professor Taylor said last year. "It's arbitrary ... you get into a real
semantic sort of swamp. It's like trying to define life."


kwaw said:
...How do you see that Mercury 'fit's with Strength
Greetings Kwaw

Perhaps it would help if we started with just Yod and Kaph.
After a series of six houses of the Zodiac, Aries through Virgo,
a planetary attribution is given. Why the special placement?

Virgo-Mercury are paired as are their corresponding letters:

Yod suffix signifies first person possessive "Mine"
Kaph suffix signifies second person possessive "Thine"

Yod (The Active Hand) and Kaph (The Open Hand)


'twixt Capricornus and Aquarius

kwaw said:
The Sun with the Star...
Natalis Solis Invicti

Christmas was originally the Chaldean festival in honor of the
birth of Zoroaster, the son of Astarte, the "Queen of Heaven."
Zoroaster is pictured on the ancient monuments as a child
in his mother's arms, each with a circle around their heads.
This circle was the hieroglyphic representation of the Sun and
also of the name Zoroaster, literally: the "Seed of the Woman."

The Winter Solstice

The major winter festival that the ancient pagans celebrated was
held when the Sun reached the point farthest south of the equator,
beginning Dec 21st, and ending Dec 25th. The winter solstice is the
renewing of the Sun every year in the Northern hemisphere.
The Sun appears at its most southerly position, directly overhead
at the Tropic of Capricorn (23 degrees 27 minutes south latitude).


Foremost, Mercy...

kwaw said:
Jupiter with Judgement...
The exaltation of Jupiter in Cancer, sufficiently explains how
XX Le Jugement (Res: Jupiter) fits VIII Justice (Heth: Cancer).


"X" Marks the Spot

kwaw said:
...and Saturn with Fool?
"The wise old man will bless paths wisely chosen, and validate truths."



Note on Exaltations

"Exaltations" come down to us in a direct but scrambled form.
Since the earliest writings on Astrology they have been known,
but increasingly their meaning has been lumped with aspects.

Modern attempts to include newly discovered planets stupefy.

Think of them a the 4-Leaf Clovers in an ancient astrology kit.
Just the fact that the awareness of them hasn't been lost says
so much. My thought is just to honour them as being Sacred.