When the death card means real death


As for personal experiences, I've had the Three of Swords come up many times for the death of pets. Kind of adds to the emotional baggage many have with that card!

When two of our dogs died close to each other before Christmas of 2015, I was so distraught that I read what I think was a forbidden spread. I asked if there would be any more deaths in our pets for one whole year. I remember the 3 of Swords turning up in the Present position and breaking down, because it perfectly encapsulated how I was feeling at that time.

I felt relieved when the reading said that no, there will be no deaths for a year. And it was true. I was glad then. Not so right now.


When two of our dogs died close to each other before Christmas of 2015, I was so distraught that I read what I think was a forbidden spread. I asked if there would be any more deaths in our pets for one whole year. I remember the 3 of Swords turning up in the Present position and breaking down, because it perfectly encapsulated how I was feeling at that time.

I felt relieved when the reading said that no, there will be no deaths for a year. And it was true. I was glad then. Not so right now.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Three of Swords really does painfully depict that feeling of losing someone we care about, through death or otherwise. I hope you're doing well.


Thanks, lantana. I will, eventually.


I have had three of Swords for a pet's continuing struggle with pain...but not death. But it always depends upon the attending cards, of course.

However, I have had the 7 Pents + Sun come up for a pet's death a few times. Rejoining the source, as it were. And buried through fire. (as pets are incinerated, normally).

Human death has come up in my readings as Death + ten of Swords (accident), or, Death + Tower + three Swords (heart attack). The only time I got Death + 9 Swords as a human death was for someone suffering from cancer.

But for those who say the Death card never means physical death, I say, look to the cards surrounding it. And it is, (to me), unseeing or insensitive to deny physical death exists, and that the Death card never predicts it. Practice has proven that to be incorrect. Sometimes Death is just that. Death.

I have to say, the times it came up as real physical death, the attending cards came up with it, and the hair went up on the back of my neck...Trust your gut.

ETA ((((EmpyreanKnight))) sorry for your suffering! May your pets have had an easy transition :heart:


Thanks Padma. You've always been nice.