just how accurate is the yes/no spread?


hope this is in the right thread if not please feel free to move.

I wish to know just how accurate the yes/no spread really are, you all know the the spread lay 3 cards and if 2 or 3 are upright then yes is your answer if 2 or 3 are rx then the answer is no. Just how accurate is this spread, i sometimes ask a question when i know the answer and i get a no when in fact it should be a yes. Has this happened to you?
Any advice or opinions on this would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance Louise

I'm with those who use one card. But I ask the question, shuffle, cut the deck, and if the top card is upright= yes, if its inverse=no. Sometimes I clarify with my cards which would mean which. For example, if my question uses a double negative or something and I want to make sure we're on the same page.

This has worked really well for me and makes me feel super in tune with my cards.