Traveling AT Member Deck ~ Journal ~


Oh, this deck is GORGEOUS. The colors are so bright and strong and kind. I've never seen it in person before. I'm so thankful I got to see this, the names of the backs of the cards - how lovely. Thank you to Daizdy and everyone else!

Our tiny one-bedroom apartment was crowded (mainly by one very emotionally taxing parent) but he left, and then I managed to carve out some quiet time... I "made up" a nine card spread for my husband (R), my girlfriend (E), and myself (J) because I didn't know any relationship spreads for three people.


I read it vertically and horizontally like a chart - where each person intersects with themself is the card that tells about the heart feelings and need. I called it the "core" - and where each person intersects with the other (in two places) - well those are perhaps two poles of the relationship. It's kind of a "snapshot" I guess.

I did this reading by myself, for myself, in the hopes of getting some insight into how to love R. and E., more; if all three of us were together for the reading I think the it might have definitely taken a different course, which is something I'd like for us to do in the near future. :)

1 - 5 Swords
2 - 2 of Cups
3 - 8 of Wands
4 - Hermit
5 - 10 of Wands
6 - 6 of Pentacles
7 - 4 of Wands
8 - Ace of Cups
9 - Sage of Swords

The card on the bottom of the deck was the Fool. I peek at those. In my journal I wrote:

The cards are a puzzle and a series of signs - broad yet granular - the puzzle of how we fit together.

That Fool card struck me as somehow approrpiate, because isn't it foolish to think that we can sustain this thing with three people? Sometimes we'll look at each other and say, "Are we crazy?" Because there's no cultural script for it - you know, if you're cheating, you know what that looks like. And if you're monogomous, you know what that is supposed to look like - but what does it look like to be a unit of three? I'm glad it was the Fool because that's the beginning of a real long journey, and I hope so much for our lives together to be a real long journey. This Fool is so energetic and lively, leaping from rooftops. Maybe she's about to drop off to her death, or maybe she will really fly. The wind was blowing crazy the other day and we were all out in it, trying to fly, like in a book I once read.

1 (R) - 5 of Swords. Afraid of being scattered, left with nothing. Afraid of a "win" which isn't really a "victory." Afraid of being left alone. This guy looks so unhappy and I guess I worry about R. sometimes - he's been terribly generous and loving, but he's really the odd one out at times. I think one of the lessons of this card is something like learning to compromise, and that has as much to do with me as it does with him.

2 (R/J) - 2 of Cups. Something positive and happy, and we are generally positive and happy, and maybe linked that way, like two trees grown together so that I don't think we could get apart even if we wanted to.

3 (R/E) - 8 of Wands. Things falling from the sky and burning. At first a scary image ("crash and burn") but at the same time mysterious and beautiful like meteors hurtling to the earth, a forest, the dark, eyes in the fire. They say life came to earth this way - microbes on a meteor. Fire which brings renewal - I worry about them, naturally. But I've been thinking lately, "Only good things can happen now, if we love." Even if there's fire.

4 (J/R) - Hermit. Funny that R and I get the two of cups, and then the Hermit - perhaps the caution here is to keep seeking and never to assume I really truly know what he's thinking just because I feel so close to him, which is something I have a tendency to do at times.

5 (J) - 10 of Wands. Here's me! The guy looks really overwhelmed...or maybe he's hiding. Today E. told me about the autistic children she used to work with, who would strike that protective pose when they were presented with something they didn't want to do, because damn, they knew they didn't want to do it. Suddenly I admired them, because sometimes I want to do that. Maybe I need to be afraid of doing too much, wanting too much, trying to carry too much only to have it come crashing down on me. But the sun is rising, and maybe these sticks are really protecting this guy, not crushing him. I hope so. This paradox of inertia - the more you love, the more you risk; the more demanded, the more recieved.

6 (J/E) - 6 of Pentacles. This is a card I often either love uncomfortable with in a deck - the "keeping track" card or the "enlarging your heart card" (Light and Shadow, Kalevala). But in this card, you actually can't tell what's going on. At first I thought it looked like the guy who was sitting down was teaching something to the one walking around with the balance, and I like that. Maybe I'm afraid to look too closely at the implications of this card because it can have a double meaning - giving but also witholding, and keeping a balance. Is the trick to keep a balance or not?

7 (E/R) - 4 of Wands. Festival card. It looks like a big party; and parties are good, people having a good time together. This one doesn't look like a party ready to get out of control either, more like good food and nourishment. A nourishing relationship. Once again, something more unambiguously positive than the 8 of wands.

8 (E/J) - Ace of Cups. Springing up - my big hope with E. Very feminine card, beginnings again - but also dichotomies - sun and moon, the balance of energies. I've been reading Adrienne Rich and feminist theory for school, feeling very depressed about "compulsory heterosexuality" and wondering, frightened, if the beginning of my relationship with E. must necessarily mean the end of my relationship with R; wondering if we're all kidding ourselves thinking that it doesn't. I believe that there's something beautiful welling up here, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something beautiful that continues to happen "behind." Here is an open heart. If the 6 of Pents is ambiguous in it's goodness, or in its caution, I think the Ace of Cups offers something more positive.

9 (E) - Sibyl of Swords. And here's E. - sword in hand, falcon beside. She's a seeker, and a loner and I think she very much needs that - adventure, the thirst to explore.

I think this is a reading I will have to return to over time, to see what else is there, what metaphors I haven't fully explored.


I have been SO looking forward to receiving the deck and my time with it has been interesting.

Unlike some of the previous recipients, I did not particularly like the deck and I wondered how this might affect my readings. Working with a deck that I did not have an affinity for was a learning experience. And what I discovered is that I could work with this deck with as great a...relevance as I get from my favorite decks.

I started by looking through the deck quickly to get a general feel for it, and then I went back and pulled out the cards that had already been signed to see what had appealed to those who preceded me. Then I went through the deck again and pulled out the 10 or so cards that liked the best in order to choose the one that I would sign. I finally narrowed them down and chose the 6 of Cups.

I read the cards for myself for three days and had a really positive experience with the deck each time (NOT that it told me positive things every time, but it did give me things to think about). I ended up so enjoying my time with the deck that last night, when I was packing it up to send on to Elf, I was having a hard time letting go of it.

I went through the deck one last time and pulled out the signed cards again and thanked those who had come to visit with me a while before saying good-bye to the deck.

This morning I took the deck to the Post Office and the teller there was a "New-Agey" acquaintance so I took a minute to explain what I was mailing out and she thought it was a great idea.

I had a great time being a part of this fabulous experience and I thank Daizdy for putting this into motion.


I was pretty surprised when I opened a PM from Cat and saw that I was going to be getting the deck! That it had already reached me here in little ol' Massachusetts was a treat, a holiday treat.

Some of you know that I'm devoting my studies at the moment to one deck, the International Icon Tarot. I wondered how I'd work this out. Stay faithful to the IIT or go ahead and play with the World Spirit. A dilemma or an opportunity?

World Spirit is a deck that I've used before, own and love, so the images are familiar. Like an old friend. And thumbing through it yesterday was fun. So different from the IIT, but really, no thrill at seeing the artwork...until my old friend the Magician popped up.

From some of the posts that I participated in when we started a World Spirit study group here on AT I was intrigued by the Magician as we uncovered that this Magician is probably summoning a goddess. He is doing an actual ritual!

So seeing my lovely, sweaty, whirling twirling Magician was the moment of excitement as I was quickly thumbing the deck. (In the car, moments after retrieving it from the mailbox!)

I brought it with me last night to the store where I read cards, and we did a round-robin of readings with it...another reader came in and we spread the cards out on the table, and just kept choosing and reading each other, along with the woman who works the register. It was a fun and light hearted exercise, and yes, we threw back cards that were darker or didn't look so was silly, and myself and the other reader would look at each and go, "Nah...." and laugh. He had never seen World Spirit and thought it was an interesting deck.

Right now, the deck sits on my altar amongst the crystals and goddess statuary and I plan to read for Gardener with it later when she comes to visit.

I must admit that as I read thru the signatures and knew that the deck had been with each of you it was very touching. And when I saw the tmgrl2 sig it was so moving. I mean I have gotten mailings from Terri, but seeing that tmgrl in her own hand was so powerful.

I'm quite happy I didn't take my name off of the project when I decided to do the one deck exercise.

Just having it arrive, waiting for it, seeing the names, and holding this special deck was very satisfying.



Well, Gardener arrived today for a visit, and I almost gave up the deck, but hadn't signed it yet...sooo...will keep it for a bit.

I went thru the cards today with my 6yo, and she threw out one-word associations for each card as I flipped thru...she said things like, "Oh, starry!" or "Watery!" or when the Hermit came up, "Wise". She never ceases to amaze me.

I've chosen my signature card, after careful thought. I went thru the deck, choosing my favorites and then flipping thru them again and again.

My thinking here is that there will be a bit of an energy exchange, that I will be linked with the card for as long as the deck exists, my name proving that I once held it and used this deck. So while I had thought to pick the Magician, instead I have chosen the World. I love this World card. She is so full of fun, so lively and carefree.

So I choose to take on some of that blue-goddess energy and allow it to dance stars around my center! ;)

Wanted to say I haven't read any journal entries since reading first Jeanette's, and then Meewah's the week she recv'd the deck oh so long ago. I think I'll read thru the entries later tonight...see what this little baby has been up to.


I officially handed the deck off to Contrascarpe and Gardener on Sunday.
Farewell World Spirit Tarot.
Happy Journeys!


Picked up the deck from elf on Sunday. She met us at Taproot Bookstore, where we both read professionally. I was on that day and she stopped by, but alas - although bearing Christmas gifts, she forgot the deck! Amends were made and she returned toting the deck.

Since Gardener and I are considered separate entities, we are both having a turn at the deck, but I am lucky to be first. A few initial thoughts:

- the deck came into our possession in our spiritual haven, the place Laura and I had our handfast.
- we have the deck for the Winter Solstice (tonight)
- we will have the deck for Christmas
- I have over a hundred decks and the World Spirit is not one of them (hmmmm)
- when elf passed the deck over, I put it in my briefcase. It has traveled with me this week in Vermont - that will add another state on its journey list (it will pass over to New Hampshire on its next stage)

So, as I sit here in a Vermont hotel on the occasion of the Winter Solstice, I figured I would pull a card. Since so many things are going on in my life right now, maybe the World Spirit can help me on my path:

The top card, before my cup, was the card signed by my friend Ravenswing .... the Four of Cups. Alas, I did cut the cards and pulled:

Two of Wands - A lovely card! After years of feeling "stuck" professionally (the figure stands isolated on an island), I have made a decision recently to go back to college to study Psychology - a distinct departure from what I do now. It still feels like a longshot, but I see the spark traveling from one want to another. A fool's journey indeed!



Deck Journal – 12/27/05

I am passing the deck officially over to Gardener today. It was nice having the good spirit of the World Spirit during the happiest time of the year. It is symbolic that I am passing the deck over to her on this date as today marks our First Wedding Anniversary.

In honor of being one of the lucky ones to spend time with this deck, I decided to do a PPF reading for the deck itself. The Past represents what the deck has experienced in the hands of the ones who held it previously, Present is for the time it spent with me, and the Future is a window to see what it awaits on its world journey.

Past – Nine of Wands – the fire is lit on all wands. The figure on the card looks to be a leftover hippy from the ‘60s. I see love surrounding this deck in the places it has visited, and the light tells me it helped to show the way for some of us – helping us on OUR journey.

Present – Ten of Cups – it has resided in a home full of love, celebrating not only our first Christmas together as a married couple, but also the first Christmas experienced by little Gabrielle.

Future – Nine of Swords – lots of travel awaits this little treasure. Will it finish its journey intact (I had better count them right now!) and untarnished? I do not see this as much of a negative, just a bit of uncertainty. After all, it has to pass through customs again and again.

Signed and dated the Emperor card.

Godspeed little fellow – on to Gardener and then northward to weaver.



Well, the Tarot works in mysterious ways. Contrascarpe and I had the travelling deck over the Christmas holidays, which meant that distractions abounded. Nonetheless, I hoped to spend a little time with the deck, perhaps do a New Years reading with it. It looked so appealing in its shiny red satin bag.

However, when I opened the bag and pulled out the cards, I am afraid I really didn't feel anything for the deck at all. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of this deck visiting so many of us here on the Boards. But something about the artwork of this particular deck shut me down completely. I just couldn't find anything tarot-like, couldn't find any connection to my usual tarot thoughts and feelings while holding this deck. I simply wasn't able to do anything with it.

However, and this is a big however, the tarot found a different way to build a new connection for me, using this strange little deck. On a whim, Contrascarpe and I decided to drive the deck two hours north to its next destination. Weaver, the next recipient of the deck, generously offered to make us lunch at her house and, being the food-hounds that we are, we eagerly accepted. Although the drive was long, it was wonderful to meet fellow tarot-holics and eat delicious food. The enchanting Weaver and her charming husband fed us, and then made a fire and espresso while we rummaged through each others decks. Although, as you may have gathered, World Spirit is not going on my wish list, thanks to Weaver the Full Moon Dreams has made its way there. Gorgeous deck. And what a treat to spend the afternoon with new friends from the Boards.


Considering that the AT Member Deck is now on it's way to Startarot, I think I am on solid ground stating that I am running a bit behind with my journaling here!

It was a most auspicious manner in which to connect with the deck with the arrival of Contrascarpe, Gardener and their very sweet baby daughter who most graciously drove several hours to deliver the deck in person. What a wonderful afternoon spent with three extraordinary individuals!

The World Spirit Tarot deck and I have a history, as they say. Following on the heels of the Daughters of the Moon and Motherpeace decks, the World Spirit was the first rectangular Tarot deck I ever owned. For quite a while, it was the only deck I used. I ended up giving that well worn deck away to a young man who seemed completely smitten by Tarot as a result of a reading I gave him while attending a weekend workshop conducted by Starhawk. Though I replaced the deck immediately, the spiffy new World Spirit just never seemed to hold the magic of the original. As such, it has seen very little use.

I was really intrigued when I learned that the deck that was essentially the beginning of my deep and abiding love affair with Tarot would be the very same one being sent around the world to this amazing group of kindred Tarot spirits. Now there, I reasoned, would be a deck with some powerful energy! With that in mind, I actually think that it will be the folks who receive the Member Deck on the tail end of it's journey who may well be the ones to be touched the most deeply by this effort. (Although there will be less cards to choose from when deciding upon which card to sign!)

I feel quite honored to have brought in the New Year with the Member deck. While it was here, I used it for all of my morning meditations (a daily 3 card spread with a 4th underlying influence card drawn) as well a my annual, much more entailed, New Year's Day spread. As promised when this project was still in it's planning stages, my husband Mark and I brought the deck to some special places that are meaningful to us. The photographs taken on those outings as well as the ones taken during Gardener and Contracarpe's visit are being developed and will be ready for pick up on Friday. I will post them here at that time.

I thought that I would be posting ALL of the readings I did with the Member deck but, in truth, there proved to be only one that I think is appropriate to post here. This past year presented us with a fair share of challenges unlike anything I ever thought my husband and I would face. With only one exception, the readings this deck gave me were quite specific to some of those issues. Tarot does have a tendency to tell us what we need to hear even when one is trying to direct the flow to safer ground!

So, more to follow. I will post my reading as well as the pictures of the member deck's adventures here. Check your mailbox, Star! You just may have a wonderful surprise greet you tomorrow!

Blessings, dear Tarot friends,



As I mentioned in my last post, I really found my daily readings with the At Member deck were of such a personal nature that I was rather loath to post them! In an attempt to come up with some sort of reading for this thread I pulled the following:

Weaver's Traveling Deck Spread (Adapted from the book "Power Tarot")

1. The dominant energy of my participation/experience in this project - 16 Tower

2. How do I feel about it/others who might be involved - Sibyl of Cups

3. How the project affected me - 21 Universe

While my participation in this effort will be ongoing in terms of reading journal entries of others as the deck winds it's way across the globe, it is safe to say that thus far I have been catapulted from what were exclusively cyber-relationships with AT members to at least some that are face to face (Tower). In addition to the altogether wonderful afternoon we spent with Gardener and Contrascarpe, I have had several fun conversations with Startarot as a result of this project, and am looking forward to connecting with her once schedules and weather permit doing so. That there are individual's in my general area with shared interests is quite a welcome and refreshing revelation! This may not seem all that mind blowing to those of you who live in more populated/broadminded areas, but I have not known of ANYONE in my lovely corner of NH who shares my interest in Tarot. Up to now, I have felt like I am a bit of an odd duck here. So much so that I had gotten to the point where I no longer mentioned my interest in Tarot to new acquaintances. (History made me a bit gun shy to bring it up with others, especially those around my age.) Now here is an interesting new development. Emboldened by connecting with like minded souls, I mentioned my interest in Tarot to the woman I walk my dogs with everyday. She not only responded positively, she asked for a reading! Carumba!!!! Is that change I smell in the air?!!!! (Make that two Towers!)

The thing that has always struck me about "Tarot people" is that they are very likely apt to be creative, playful, and generally very receptive and accepting of differences (Sibyl of Cups). Oh sure, sometimes we can be a bit dreamy, too, which, specific to the Traveling AT Member Deck, means that at times it may seem a bit unwieldy keeping this project on track. But the heart of this endeavor is such that it will unfold just beautifully. We all just need to relax and go with the flow. At the end of the day, I have every expectation we'll all be the richer for our participation.

If the AT Forum creates an environment where the Tarot world seems to be a very small, intimate community, this project puts a face on it's inhabitants (the World). Take a look at the list of the places this little deck will go! And each one of us will imbue it with our own very special, very sacred energy. How entirely apt the deck being circulated is named the World Spirit deck!

As always, blessing to you all. Startarot wrote me today indicating she has received the deck. Doubtless we will be hearing from her on this thread soon. As already indicated, I will post here one last time to put up the pictures we took.
