This might be sacrilege but...


... has anyone ever created a Tarot deck with no pictures at all? I've recently been coming across bits of poetry or quotes that make me think of a particular card, and so have started a deck of blank cards with the words written in calligraphy. Maybe it just works for me because I've got a very vivid imagination - if I think about a certain card I get associations in my head.



I think it's a great idea.

I read a lot, and have tried writing, so I am a very 'word' person.
Certain words or phrases can have such strong, vivid feelings associated with them.
Some are just so powerful.

I don't suppose it would be to everyones taste, but I think it's a great idea.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this!

I do prefer cards with pictures, but I have created a deck without them and the cards still worked for me. I started creating my deck by describing every card, and when I had finished doing that I couldn't wait to try my deck! But since I had yet to start on creating the actual cards, I managed with cards with just the words. It worked for me, because I was so connected to the deck I made that I saw the pictures and associations in my head even if I didn't see them on the cards...

And as it happens... I have also linked a quote, poem or (part of a) songtext to every single one of my cards. I guess we think alike, Grimwitch! Good luck with your deck!


Although not Tarot, my favourite all time deck is a word only Oracle. Words are extremely powerful and rich and (IMHO) can promt the picture for you. Just as pictures prompt words. A personal Tarot like this I think is a great idea!

Many Blessings
Elven x