My Fleur-de-Lis Spread


I'm trying my hand at making new spreads, and this is the first product! I took French, so I'm familiar with the fleur de lis. Also, my first deck was decorated with them on the back. This spread really is about yourself. Many of us would like to know how others see us and such, and I found this was really insightful. The tarot is like a mirror, reflecting back things we may not be aware of. Without further ado, here you are!


If you are familiar with the symbol, then you can kind of see it there lol.

1: Who am I at this point in time?
2: How those close to me see me
3: How I seem in first impressions
4: How I see myself
5: My strongest trait
6: How I can use that trait to my advantage
7: Another of my stronger traits
8: How I can use this trait to my advantage
9: My weakest trait
10: How I can improve this trait
11: Another of my weaker traits
12: How I can improve that trait

Feel free to add any suggestions or questions, and of course, you can alter it to your liking. =) I hope you like it!