Pretty sure this is a Poe


It is a humorous website. Thanks for sharing.


So, if you admit it's a Poe - is it still a Poe? :D


Well I don't know if its a poe, but I did find it really funny!

Asbestos Mango

It is a Poe. I e-mailed the webmaster to tell him I found his site entertaining. He told me he gets a lot of hate mail for it- apparently there are frightening numbers of people who don't grok the concept of satire.

He also has a serious website called Tarotsmith. It's an educational site for people who want to learn to use the Tarot for themselves. It's very well written, although the white-on-black lettering is a bit hard on the eyes.

You can check it out at


Very nice site! My free reading was very accurate. I'm glad that someone can be serious about tarot, and also have some fun with it.