Sibilla deck recommendation

Aster Breo

I'm looking for recommendations for a first Sibilla deck. Any suggestions?



Everyday oracle LS : cheap but well made

Le Fanu

Yes! I second Philippe! I have a few and that's actually the nicest.

Aster Breo

Thank you!

Are the titles on this deck only in Italian? (Which is fine, as long as there's a LWB or website in English.)


Yes they are in italian

You have to remember that :

Q(uadri) = Diamonds
P(icche) = Spades
C(uori) = Hearts
F(iori) = Clubs
(on the upper left corner of the card)

and for the court cards 11 = J 12 = Q 13 = K (upper right)

Multilingual LWB

Aster Breo


Aunty Anthea

I have the:

'Sibilla Della Zingara'

English on front of box reads:

'Gypsy Oracle Cards'

Header on each card is in English

Lovely cards :love:

Aunty Anthea

You will find an entire thread about Sibilla HERE :)