Working with Labradorite


Lots of interesting stuff in your posts, DownwardSpiral! You're welcome for that link. It occurred to me that if Samax is, among other things, the Angel of Tuesday, then maybe this Tuesday evening, you can hold a little meditation/visualization/summoning ceremony to try to explore a possible connection? I have no idea how right on the correspondences are in that page I found, but assuming they're good, you can maybe gather together some citrine if you have any, a green candle or two, one or two Fool cards from your Tarot decks, and some incense you like to represent the element of air (something else that falls under the jurisdiction of Samax, according to that site), and see if you can maybe get some response(s)...?

As for myself, to add to the thread, I recently got myself a Labradorite wand that I really like -- it's six-sided, with a point on one end, while the other end is rounded. I have a few Labradorite tumblestones that I like a lot, but mostly because they look so cool -- I can't say that I've gotten much in the way of concrete results from using them. I had big hopes for the really sparkles and shines, as much as any piece I think I've seen first-hand, and I was all excited to be getting a wand, too...

But after five days of carrying it around and sleeping with it under the pillow, I can't say that I've witnessed very much! Maybe things are happening, but they're really subtle, and I'll only piece some patterns together later...or maybe I'm watching it too closely, like the fabled pot on the stove that won't boil while it's being watched. Maybe the Labradorite is taking its time in getting to know me before it starts unleashing the fireworks. I'm not sure. I had wanted to have some awesome story to contribute to this thread, but...I think I need to let it rest for a while, while I move on to a different piece. I haven't even had much in the way of unusual dreams during this five-day period (whereas several other stones have really jacked up my dream-state into quite the whirlwind of technicolor weirdness!). I still think Labradorite is a fantastic stone, what with it being all beautiful and mysterious...but I'm taking the current hints and won't try to force anything with this stone at this time. Glad some of you others are having cool experiences with yours, and I'll try it again after giving some other stones a shot first, and will hopefully have more striking results to share...


But after five days of carrying it around and sleeping with it under the pillow, I can't say that I've witnessed very much! Maybe things are happening, but they're really subtle, and I'll only piece some patterns together later.
I hardly ever get striking or quick results from crystals. I need to wear mine for weeks and usually months to notice anything. Crystals work in a very subtle way for me and I think some do not work at all. I suspect I need to have some feeling towards them first before they work. I mean I need to really like (or even love?) a crystal and I also need to expect some specific effect (like calming, energizing etc) before I get any results.


for frac_ture : )

I mean I need to really like (or even love?) a crystal and I also need to expect some specific effect (like calming, energizing etc) before I get any results.

I think Hemera is onto something here as I got much better results when I started asking for specific things from my crystals. At some point I want to go back and work with the phenasite as I was under the impression it was supposed to be very powerful yet I got very little from it.

It could also be things are happening on a very subtle level and may take some time before you suddenly realise it was actually having an effect.

I meant to address your response concerning this.......
Most of the correspondences listed on that page seem to have very little connection with whatever you were dealing with today -- on the face of it, anyway.

Since I've started studying the crystals my very close friendship has taken one hit after another. Last week I asked to connect to the Angels and this week I've only asked to connect to my guides. Inside my heart has been hurting very deeply as while working with the labradorite I voiced so many things to my friend that I pushed him away...he doesn't want to be near me for now and our friendship will never be the same. Despite asking for help concerning the lottery I feel the Angels where reaching out to me (as they seem to have been doing all week) And for whatever reason this Samax...whether he?'s been with me all this time or he's here now is trying to get my attention. Last night I tried to do a meditation asking to connect to Samax. (First I put my labradorite over my head and then I moved it over my heart) The first thing I sensed was my face and then my body becoming extremely warm. I'm not sure if this was for protection or warmth for love. Also every time I asked what his purpose was my feet would start pulsing/hurting (I have pain and problems with my feet) I got the sense that he was trying to heal me in some my feet need healing. I'm not sure this fits his description so I need to find out more about him. Thanks for the suggestion for Tues. I kept asking for a visual sign but all I got where the senses.


that haunting number 13

"Angel Number 13 is a message from your angels that some upheavals may take place in your life. This is happening for karmic reasons and will break new ground for you that will bring about new opportunities for you to grow spiritually. The angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully." This is taken from Angel Numbers Joanne Sacred Scribes

The Angels were definitely present along with the number 13. It's been an upheaval alright as working with labradorite I started feeling my life unraveling and know big changes are on the way.


Big changes coming for you and me both, DownwardS. I think that is why we are having a similarity of experiences when we work with the same stone.

And, if you were voicing many things to your friend, they were welling up from deep inside you, and they needed to be said and to be released. Seems like the stone certainly helped your throat chakra! I know it certainly had an effect on mine.

Frac_ture, perhaps you are like Hemera, and need more time to work with the crystals before they do anything in particular for you...we all vibrate at different levels, have different things that need healing, and have different needs. And we all filter things differently. That was one of the things that fascinated me about sharing these studies with others, to see if we had similar experiences, or not - but even no result from your Labradorite is a result, if you hear me : ) I think we are all attracted to different stones for different reasons.

I try to leave myself open to whatever comes - like DownwardS, I just ask the crystal, and then sit back and wait to see what transpires :) sometimes, it is nothing at all. Or, a weird feeling, like, NO! I am NOT the crystal for you! I tried really hard to get some Chalcedony - I am super attracted to the pink and the green format - but every time I try some on, it totally says, NO. :confused:


I hardly ever get striking or quick results from crystals. I need to wear mine for weeks and usually months to notice anything. Crystals work in a very subtle way for me and I think some do not work at all. I suspect I need to have some feeling towards them first before they work. I mean I need to really like (or even love?) a crystal and I also need to expect some specific effect (like calming, energizing etc) before I get any results.

I think Hemera is onto something here as I got much better results when I started asking for specific things from my crystals. At some point I want to go back and work with the phenasite as I was under the impression it was supposed to be very powerful yet I got very little from it.

It could also be things are happening on a very subtle level and may take some time before you suddenly realise it was actually having an effect.

Frac_ture, perhaps you are like Hemera, and need more time to work with the crystals before they do anything in particular for you...we all vibrate at different levels, have different things that need healing, and have different needs. And we all filter things differently. That was one of the things that fascinated me about sharing these studies with others, to see if we had similar experiences, or not - but even no result from your Labradorite is a result, if you hear me : ) I think we are all attracted to different stones for different reasons.

I try to leave myself open to whatever comes - like DownwardS, I just ask the crystal, and then sit back and wait to see what transpires :) sometimes, it is nothing at all. Or, a weird feeling, like, NO! I am NOT the crystal for you! I tried really hard to get some Chalcedony - I am super attracted to the pink and the green format - but every time I try some on, it totally says, NO. :confused:

I think you all make some great points. I guess what's factoring in here for me is the experiences I've had with several other stones where they did seem to offer up effects and results in pretty noticeable ways without needing time to first get to know me, and without my having asked for any specific I was assuming all stones could possibly work that way (and I still feel that, in theory, any given one could...but I'm now realizing that when a given one doesn't, it's not a definitive statement of permanent disconnection or anything). I like your ideas here, though, which seem very realistic and practical, and I think I'm officially adopting the approach that I'm open to big and immediate responses from stones, but I won't expect them, and I won't view a lack of them as some kind of final statement by the stone that we have nothing to offer each other, ever. Like I said, I'm gonna just set my Labradorite aside for a little while, and will focus on other stones, and then return at a later date (Labradorite is just way too cool to not keep revisiting!).

I also haven't done much yet with asking for specific results, which is something I believe I'll try now as I select different stones. And like you say, Lotus Padma, even a "no result" result is still a result...;)


I meant to address your response concerning this.......

Most of the correspondences listed on that page seem to have very little connection with whatever you were dealing with today -- on the face of it, anyway.

Since I've started studying the crystals my very close friendship has taken one hit after another. Last week I asked to connect to the Angels and this week I've only asked to connect to my guides. Inside my heart has been hurting very deeply as while working with the labradorite I voiced so many things to my friend that I pushed him away...he doesn't want to be near me for now and our friendship will never be the same. Despite asking for help concerning the lottery I feel the Angels where reaching out to me (as they seem to have been doing all week) And for whatever reason this Samax...whether he?'s been with me all this time or he's here now is trying to get my attention. Last night I tried to do a meditation asking to connect to Samax. (First I put my labradorite over my head and then I moved it over my heart) The first thing I sensed was my face and then my body becoming extremely warm. I'm not sure if this was for protection or warmth for love. Also every time I asked what his purpose was my feet would start pulsing/hurting (I have pain and problems with my feet) I got the sense that he was trying to heal me in some my feet need healing. I'm not sure this fits his description so I need to find out more about him. Thanks for the suggestion for Tues. I kept asking for a visual sign but all I got where the senses.

I'm sorry things are rough with your friend, and I wish you good luck resolving that in a positive way.

It does seem like you're receiving communications of a sort. Investigating Samax could be helpful -- either that's the source, or it's not, but it will almost certainly be helpful to you to know one way or the other. I think a Tuesday ritual would be the way to go in this case, given that strong association. Were you born on a Tuesday, by any chance? I don't think that would be necessary to have a connection, but it would be another strong point in favor of one existing...?

Something else weird to ponder: I'm a big nerd for wordplay and games with letters and such, and it occurred to me that if you take the names "Sam" and "Max," and then remove the couple of duplicates of letters (that is, just count each different letter once), you can scramble the ones that remain to spell out "XMAS." I realize that Christmas is seven months away, but could there be any kind of message for you in that? A suggestion to use a green stone and a red stone ("Christmas colors") simultaneously? Advice to conjure up Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Future in a meditation and ask for counsel or see what they might show you? An urging to sit and contemplate the meaning of Christmas, or review previous Christmases...? There may be nothing to this at all, but to be honest, the "XMAS" thing kind of leaped out off the screen at me, and I didn't even consciously try to see it or to make letter combinations -- it was just right there from your very first post about those two names, and I held off on saying anything for fear it would look like I was trying really hard to find meaning for you...but hey, you can judge for yourself! If this seems like another valid avenue of exploration, then awesome, and if not, no harm done... Although guess what? Christmas will fall on a Tuesday this year...;)


Frac_ture, while I read your Xmas post, what leapt out at me from Xmas is that is when everything will fall into place for DownwardS - it might even be the time frame when all the big changes come into DS's life, and the move to California occurs ;)

DownwardS, I too am sorry about how it is for you and your friend. Don't like to see you down...
:( I can relate, as I am having similar in my life, and I know how incredibly painful it can be, as well as hard to face and deal with. Hopefully our big changes will roll in a lot of positive new things :)

Also for Frac_ture: I think you are right and you should keep trying with the stones that attract you! I know I will keep trying with Chalcedony - I am certain when the time is right, the crystal will "want" to be with me :) and I am certain it is that way with the Labradorite and yourself - after all, you felt enough of a connection to it to buy it, and it didn't put you off! So it obviously "wanted" to be with you. :D


just a reminder

I was reading through this thread and I think we have been going slightly off topic. (And I seem to have been the one who started it in post #62. Oh boy.. }) )

So, just as a reminder to myself and us all: let´s stay on topic: Labradorite.


Ok as to not further derail this thread thanks for the thoughts and suggestions.

Frac_ture I'm wondering if working with the crystals your third-eye and throat chakra are already clear/open? So possibly you wouldn't have as drastic/noticible effect from the labradorite as Lotus and I did? (as labradorite is good for opening these)

Also labradorite is said to remove negativity from the aura and then protect and seal it so maybe this wasn't something your aura needed. As Lotus said..... but even no result from your Labradorite is a result, if you hear me : ) I think we are all attracted to different stones for different reasons.

Saturday was my intention to stop working with this crystal so I didn't put it in my pillowcase but did have it beside my bed all day Sunday. I had to laugh when I went to toss a clothing tag and the number 11 was staring at me. Also I told my daughter I couldn't believe it's already been a year since my parents came to visit......then my Mom sent me an e-mail and in it she mentioned the very same thing : )

At some point I would love to come back and work some more with labradorite as it has worked very well for me....and I just saw that 8:11 AM again : )