Packing all (almost) my decks away


When "stuff" (whatever that may be to you) becomes a burden, it's time to let it go.

(In the past few years I have gotten rid of a storage unit, most of my cd's and dvd's, 1/3 of my tarot collection. I regularly cull books. Everything I own resides in the 485 square feet I call home. Less truly IS more.)

Edward Tarot Hands

well I only have four Tarot decks (at the moment) so I don't see that I'll be getting rid of any soon, but on the subject of getting rid of stuff in general, when I moved from the UK to Spain some years ago I brought with me two holdalls and my dog. I came from a house that had acquired a few years of stuff and I basically gave everything away except for my prized CD collection and my juggling equipment.
I can tell you it was so liberating and cleansing to see that I really didn't need all those things, books and toys and other stuff that I had (thought) I had an emotional attachment to.
The thing is after being here for 8 years I can see the junk pile has risen to normal proportions so maybe another give away is in order.
I look at it as only keep what you couldn't leave behind if you had to go away. Giving all your possessions away is great too. I used Freecycle
Good luck but just remember these things are are only physical items, it's the thought that you can't function without them, but when you do it you realise they are unfounded fears.