Tetractys instead of tree of life?

Pythagoras 1/10

The 'trick' is seeing how the perfect fifth (7) and perfect fourth (5) are weighed upon the Tree...

...by interweaving the pentagram of Venus with the heptagram of Mars...

...to find the 'diabolus in musica' (6)

Have a look at this http://www.smphillips.8m.com/article11.htm

Also, although I counted the center point as five you could number the points to correspond to the tree of life in order to retain continuity with existing golden dawn tarot systems.



If the legends of his early travels are to be believed, then Pythagoras' time in Chaldea would have coincided with the captivity of the Jewish ruling class there. It was during that time the Hebrew alphabet took on the box script form familiar today and abandoned its' more explicitly pictographic letters derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics. Perhaps that which became known as the secret teachings of the Pythagorean brotherhood were the result of a cross-pollination between cultural traditions. Given the Chaldeans' grasp of mathematics and metrology, and the crypto-numerological underpinnings of the Greek & Hebrew alphabets (descended, like Phoenician, from the 'Proto-Canaanite' glyphs dating as far back as 1900 BC), it is feasible that various related, but otherwise divergent, alpha-numeric traditions were re-calibrated by the Babylonian Magi - adapting an ancient cipher to more current cultural idioms and imminent equinoctial thresholds.

The recursive features evident in the Book of Formation's 32 wondrous paths, illustrated by the various Tree of Life diagrams and in the iconography of the Tarot tradition, echo descriptions of Pythagoras' quadrivium of mathematics, geometry, harmonics, and astronomy. Just as the theorem which bears his name was known centuries earlier in Chaldea, Pythagoras likely absorbed much of his mystery teaching from older sources. Perhaps, then, the author of the Sepher Yetzirah drank from the same well.

Inasmuch as the puzzle-box of numbered Hebrew letter-symbols draws geometric parallels from the mathematics of music and applies them to the measure of time & space, the tetraktys is already an intrinsic facet of the Tree of Life. From a certain perspective, one might even say that the Tree is 'resolved' by seeing the fundamental difference between a Pythagorean music scale and a system of 12-tone equal temperament - like pinpointing the 'balance' betwixt ratio & irrational number.


It's been some time since I read it, but the Pythagorean Tarot and it's companion book (which is available online) uses this method. Might be worth a look at

Pythagoras 1/10

It's been some time since I read it, but the Pythagorean Tarot and it's companion book (which is available online) uses this method. Might be worth a look at

Cool, I am glad to see someone else has had the same idea. I guess that means it is not such an insane idea after all!

Do you remember if the authors general ideas where something similar to my own?


This is an interesting topic, even more so because in a lot of ways the number theology between Kabbalah and Pythagorean thought seems very closely related. For instance many people like to separate Kether out on it's own as Atziluth, Chokmah and Binah as Briah and thus that triad has a 1 + 2 flavor, similarly the bottom four seem to have a certain kind of relationship albeit Netzach, Hod, and Yesod aren't ever really considered Assiah.

Are you sure there are 27 connections? I only count 18.
I don't know if it's just me but a few weeks ago when I tried connecting the dots on the tetractys I got 33 connections. There were 9 which were purely perimeter, 9 that connected each of the three corners to both the center and opposite interior side points (I'm calling 'interior side points' those that are side but not corner), 9 that connected interior side points to interior side points, and then 6 additional that connected interior side points to the center. 9+9+9+6 = 33. Its an interesting outcome albeit a few too many to do traditional Kabbalah with.