Need help with runes (3 lifetime spread.)


Hello guys

I am looking for someone that can help me or reccomend me books for my rune casting and intrepenting. For now I had bought some books on top 10's but nothing useful they do not delve deep in to it etc.

I am very troubled in life at the moment and so I decided to a rune cast while meditating first on emptiness and after that on the runes. I believe runes are spiritual things we can call out to, and so I tried and did that. I got the next chart.

1 THURISAV reversed Birth and childhood
4 WYRD past reincarnation
5 EHWAZ reversed future reincarnation

I got these runes, now I find it confusing Thurisaz tells me I would do damamge to myself which I did as a kid. Fehu tells me of dissapointment and me needing to change, but my future ISA tells me I will get frozen again. Wyrd karma wise I guess I did really bad stuff in my past life. Ehwaz reversed I will probably screw up in next life again.
Can someone help me understand this reading better? Thanks a lot! I would be so happy my life is really bad at the moment and I want to know what I should do to change it.

I really need help from someone that knows the atributes and can help me I find it hard to interpet giving me some resources that can help are good to. But it is hard to get a grasp of all runes and graps them together like how to interpret a rune if you look at childhood is over. So how do I read it, can I only read what I did wrong or do I learn something else help is apreciated ty!

FenestraThought has great meanings for Runes


Hello guys

1 THURISAV reversed Birth and childhood
4 WYRD past reincarnation
5 EHWAZ reversed future reincarnation
What is Wyrd (as in what rune is it?, I know what it "Is") is it the Blank Rune?


What is Wyrd (as in what rune is it?, I know what it "Is") is it the Blank Rune?

It's the blank rune yes. I did interpret it as if they leave my past life blank it is something they do not want to tell me.


Hello guys
1 THURISAV reversed Birth and childhood
4 WYRD past reincarnation
5 EHWAZ reversed future reincarnation

Fehu talks about a present life were finances or the Material world may be out of sink with you. But these difficulties and strifes strengthen your "Self" and teach you the true nature of that witch you "Need". And Ever in these Trying Times we look the Self and the Spirit for guidance and The Divine speaks and We actual pay attention and This is a life that Has strong potential for Spiritual work ... It must be harnessed though...there is also the pull towards procrastination and being unfocused.... you have to harness your Control and Discipline this time around which is Strengthened by Isa, which is a rune for Stillness and Self reflection.

In the Winter in the Ice in the old days the sat around and talked and told stories and made things and there was a lot of time for self reflection and self awareness and here is where they planted the seeds of imagination for the coming year... back then things took time and you had to plan the crops and the building, and then work all year towards it... Isa is a time to learn the "Self" and be still and learn to "Listen" to the universe and your own Secretes. What are your plans... ?

for your future is would think that Ehwas Rx talks about a life of trials. You have the opportunity to be come great ... maybe to have everything you think your missing out on this time.... but it will just be Really hard...You'll have to WORK for it... over coming obstacles will be the mantra lol... just keep getting up ....

The blank is blank ... *shrugs* maybe you are in a new learning cycle and the past is irrelevant ?..


The blank is blank ... *shrugs* maybe you are in a new learning cycle and the past is irrelevant ?..

irrelevant to as in; English is irrelevant to Math. You may be on a different kind of cycle now that is unrelated to the trials you live through before.


Fehu talks about a present life were finances or the Material world may be out of sink with you. But these difficulties and strifes strengthen your "Self" and teach you the true nature of that witch you "Need". And Ever in these Trying Times we look the Self and the Spirit for guidance and The Divine speaks and We actual pay attention and This is a life that Has strong potential for Spiritual work ... It must be harnessed though...there is also the pull towards procrastination and being unfocused.... you have to harness your Control and Discipline this time around which is Strengthened by Isa, which is a rune for Stillness and Self reflection.

In the Winter in the Ice in the old days the sat around and talked and told stories and made things and there was a lot of time for self reflection and self awareness and here is where they planted the seeds of imagination for the coming year... back then things took time and you had to plan the crops and the building, and then work all year towards it... Isa is a time to learn the "Self" and be still and learn to "Listen" to the universe and your own Secretes. What are your plans... ?

for your future is would think that Ehwas Rx talks about a life of trials. You have the opportunity to be come great ... maybe to have everything you think your missing out on this time.... but it will just be Really hard...You'll have to WORK for it... over coming obstacles will be the mantra lol... just keep getting up ....

The blank is blank ... *shrugs* maybe you are in a new learning cycle and the past is irrelevant ?..

Wow thanks a lot, this really helps.

I find runes very hard to understand I might learn tarot instead. But wow you sure grasp the concepts very well thanks a lot! I now know what to work on.


Hello Meemai

First I would recommend the book "taking up the runes" by Diana Paxson it is available on and is is for sale on most e-reader formats. An other good source are the books by Thorson wich are easy to find online in a pdf format.

Secondly I will try to help you with your rune reading. Normally I do not use either the blak rune nor reversed runes. This is a personal preference since the blank rune is a very recent addition and not part of the futhark and there is no evidence that runes where ever read reversed as being the opposite, at least not in the creation off bind runes. I do understand the use of both as they give a wider range off meanings to the runes mzking it easier to read them for the modern rune caster.

Thurisaz: - thurisaz has been interpreted as Thors rune, the Thurs (giant) rune and the thorn rune. In greater or lesser extent it is a rune off conflict and natural forces. The ageleo saxon rune poem speaks aboit a thorn that cuts as you grasp it. And reversed or not I can get behind your interpetation there, cutting your self by grasping to hard

Fehu:- is the rune of Freya and her brother Frey and in the literal sense means catle, catle however in the viking times was wealth so it is a rune for abundance and fertility. The icelamdic rune poem speaks of wealth must be deLth out freely if you want to get lord Odins approval. If I where to read this in a way that is reversed I would say that you are at the moment not sharing of your gifts, this does not have to be money as we can be wealthy in many ways. What are your gifts what do you have to share?

The goodnthing about runes to me is the fact that according to viking beliefs the future was not set but shaoed by our own deeds in the present. If you do a rune reading then it is the present course of acction that will lead you to the future. So change the prezent change the future.

Isa:- this is indeed the rune of ice and winter, of standing still not all standing still has to be bad though, some times you need a moment to stand still. I feel however that this is what you say you have been doing for a , o g time and now you just want to get moving on.

Wyrd:- as I understand this is a rune of fate, of the norns in some ways kin to the rune naudiz. But if it is a rune off fate and you use it this way that all it says is what is in the past is in the past you can not change it anymore this is nkw part of your fate. That is atleast how I would read it.

Ehwaz:- The Horse rune, a rune of travel like raido but where raido is more suggestive of a cart and a road in short a more organised way of travel, the horse rune is more about symbioses the rider and the horse getting each other to places the other could not have gone alone and offering protection to one and other. I I was to interpeted this reversed I would says that symbioses is lost, you try to carry your own burdens and do not allow others to assist. In turn you do not offer to share the load of other people making the road harder for both of you.

Interesting prehaps in the line of future lives it is a rune that is used in shamastic rituals to travel the nine worlds. I would not necessarily put the negative spin on it if a would get this runes in one of my own readings unreversed but I would see it as part of your spiritual journey.

I conclusion I would like to give my short non reversed interpetation of the reading. I would say that you hurt your self by grasping for some things in you life to tightly this makes it difficult for you to share the gifts you have wich in turn could lead to stagnation as this gifts are neglected.

Hope this helps

Hello guys

I am looking for someone that can help me or reccomend me books for my rune casting and intrepenting. For now I had bought some books on top 10's but nothing useful they do not delve deep in to it etc.

I am very troubled in life at the moment and so I decided to a rune cast while meditating first on emptiness and after that on the runes. I believe runes are spiritual things we can call out to, and so I tried and did that. I got the next chart.

1 THURISAV reversed Birth and childhood
4 WYRD past reincarnation
5 EHWAZ reversed future reincarnation

I got these runes, now I find it confusing Thurisaz tells me I would do damamge to myself which I did as a kid. Fehu tells me of dissapointment and me needing to change, but my future ISA tells me I will get frozen again. Wyrd karma wise I guess I did really bad stuff in my past life. Ehwaz reversed I will probably screw up in next life again.
Can someone help me understand this reading better? Thanks a lot! I would be so happy my life is really bad at the moment and I want to know what I should do to change it.

I really need help from someone that knows the atributes and can help me I find it hard to interpet giving me some resources that can help are good to. But it is hard to get a grasp of all runes and graps them together like how to interpret a rune if you look at childhood is over. So how do I read it, can I only read what I did wrong or do I learn something else help is apreciated ty!