Love to hear anyones experiences with crows/ravens


I would love to hear anyones experiences with crows/ravens. I have had them appear to me twice. and, boy , did they warn me! I never paid much attention to the animals before and what they can convey. however, after this, I now do. I had a huge raven appear in a tree , the wing span like a large jet plane. beautiful bird. it was at a family members home. the bird was NEVER seen by them in that area in the several years they lived there. needless to say. it was a warning. for ME. some terrible things went down pertaining to family, and I was deeply betrayed by them. it was something so awful, I never saw it coming. that bird sure did! plus, at the same time, it warned me of a place I was moving to. bad things happned there, also. later in the future. another time, a crow warned me of a job I wouldn't have to long. I was about ready to start a new job. shopping, this bird was sitting on a post by my car in the parking lot. it said, *caw caw!!!* flew straigiht up an into the clouds. 2 months later , after much distress, and due to no fault of my own, I lost that job.

anyone else with their experiences with ravens or crows??


I have had experiences with these birds. Though mine have been more positive than yours. The first thing that comes to my mind is a man who I used to be in a relationship with. The crows were the messengers between us at times. If I would need him or want to relay something to him, but felt he was busy at work or something else, I would ask the birds to let him know. Shortly after I would get a phone call from him (this was in the days before texting), asking what was up because a crow landed in front of his truck or that he knew I needed him because a crow wouldn't leave him alone.
At times when they caw I feel they are telling me to pay attention somehow. Sometimes they are just agreeing with something that I'm talking or thinking about at the time. Other times they seem to be letting me know that someone who has passed away is there with me.
Though I can't say I know the difference between crows and ravens, I look at them all the same. I've seen some pretty big crows wondering if they were ravens, and I've seen some shiny, shiny black smaller crows wondering the same, so I don't know, but I feel they are all messengers for me.
Sometimes if I'm driving and one flies across my field of vision I feel it's telling me to slow down, as maybe there is a policeman up ahead, or I just need to be safer with my speed.

I'm sure I've had many other experiences too, I just can't think of them all right now. :)
I have them with lots of animals though. Hawks are another bird that tend to "speak" to me often. They always make me feel protected and watched over.


thanks heatherrose for posting here! I loved reading your story of your experienes with these birds! wow, pretty amazing how the crow was able to send messages for you! truly!
yes, your experiences with these birds were different from mine, however, the fact I belive that they are messengers, is important. wheter they foretell good or bad news, I do believe they do warn people in one way or another. warning, protecting, its their, *presence,* alone lets you know of something about to happen. I hope more people post here. with the experience I had, it was very powerful for me. and I started the thread to learn more, and read about what others may have experienced with these birds. thanks for being the first to post!


I had a huge experience with crows, they predicted betrayal and the end of my marriage. about six month before it all went down they started to show up everywhere for me. Suddenly my backyard was crowded with them, i started to see crows in my roof, on the outside of my livingroom windowsill, one flew above my head very close while coming out of my garage into my car, this was scary. I remember going to a Mcdonalds restaurant drive through, the clerk told me to pull over their exclusive drive through parking lot to wait for my order, as i pulled over to the only 2 parking spot for the drive through, one spot was taken and in the other spot where i needed to park there was a crow who didn't seem to want to flight away i as i was pulling in, he finally did when my car got very close. In another occasion i was in front of my kitchen window and two crows flew right in front of my, one almost hit my window. The week my relationship ended i found a dead one by my drive way. with all this crows showing up around me i knew something was up and that it wasnt good. After all this i gave thanks to the bird for trying to pinpoint all this to me and for helping me to prepare for what was coming.
My latest experience was about two weeks ago when they started to show up again, i knew something was up, last week i found out my ex was manipulating our son to no want to be with me.
Crows have been there for my through out some difficult situations, i feel very close to this bird.


what an interesting read, adjustment! your situation isn't exactly like mine, however it mimics what happened to me. in the essence of betrayal. and, it came out of the blue. like the bird for me represented the tower card. sudden, unexpected, and pretty devastating.
when I am outside now, I definitely pay attention if I see one near, (hate to say it , but haven't see one or hear one in the distance. however, having said that, they are a comfort to me in the way that they can give me a , *heads up,* on something coming. and for me, like you, 2 experiences were not good. the first one was a family betrayal. when I saw the bird again, day before I started a new job, I instinctively knew, I was going to lose that job. and, I did. due to no fault of my own. what you wrote is truly amazing; and it makes me feel not so alone in my experiences with this bird. thank you so much for posting, I truly enjoyed reading what your experiences have been with this bird! now I know those birds, like you, were preparing me for what was to come. so agree....


How interesting!

What an interesting thread and what amazing stories you've shared!

I'm pretty sure I haven't actually seen a crow flying around my area, but I have seen a few Australian Ravens.

During the first few months of this year, I began to notice a bunch of young / baby ravens on my way to work. They would fly around and then land really close and kind of just watch me as I walked by. It was kinda spooky. I was really drawn to them as younger Australian ravens have incredibly beautiful blue eyes!

I was seeing the ravens so often, that I had a google and found out that sometimes, seeing crows/ravens could be a sign or message. At the time, I do recall I was pondering communication with someone... I didn't have a negative experience, just a bit spooked out.

From the stories you have all shared, it seems like crows / ravens do deliver important messages.

Thanks for sharing with the rest of the forum :D



starburst au: thanks for posting, and giving me kudos for the thread! yes, I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else had any kinds of experiences with these birds. its so true when I saw that first raven, it was kind of spooky for me. almost intimidating. the bird was absolutely GORGEOUS! wing-span of a jet plan, and shiny, shiny black. it sat in a tree, looking forward. never glancing sideways. almost like a huge statue. the way it sat perched, it was as breathtaking as a bald eagle. family members said they never saw one in all the years they lived there, and we quite taken back. somehow, I knew from the way things were going for me at the time, this bird, was delivering a warning to me. and, the fact is was never seen in the area, years they lived there. I knew they delivered messages, and sometimes foreboding ones. man, was I right! it was a warning of what was to come for me, on two levels. I pay attention to them now! blue -eyed ravens in au? wow. thanks for including the pic! glad you enjoyed the post!



I've had only one experience with crows. I was with my dad in ICU all night, then my sister came to relieve me in the morning. I was just going to go to her house and take a shower, then head back to the hospital. When I pulled into her driveway I saw two crows on the front walk. I walked into her house and the phone was ringing--to let me know my dad had passed away.

My sister later said she saw crows in her yard fairly often but for all the times I had been there I had never seen any there--neither before nor after that day.


holy cow, surpeti! what an amazing story. yes, these birds are pretty powerful! I know from what happened to me. twice. now, when I read what you wrote..WOW! pretty telling , you know? thank you so much for sharing here!


Hi, I love crow it's such a powerful medicine, this may not apply to you but crow sometimes shows up around me to remind me of spiritual law, it can indicate we are unknowingly breaking the law by invading someone's privacy, possibly lying to ourselves where integrity is concerned or we may simply be a lot stronger spiritually than we are realize and without awareness of universal law we could be unwittingly crossing lines. We must be careful where crow is concerned and if this medicine is strong in you there may be an almost obsessive focus on one's own shadow but not in a negative sense because this is the path crow people follow until they come back on themselves, inside out and squeaky clean with knowledge of the supernatural. It seems those who have mastered crow are unbelievably integral and stand up for what they believe in even if they stand alone. If this sounds like you then maybe crow is one of your predominant animals.