Hello! Newbie from Canada


If you are looking for lots of details, the Shadowscape or the Paulina might be what you are looking for. If you like it more girly, the Crystal Visions could appeal to you.

If you have an android or iOS device, you can check out these decks by buying the Fool's Dog app. They offer various decks in app format, I think it's a great opportunity to see if the artwork resonates with you.

Good luck for your search!


Some of the YouTube videos/reviews are pretty good at showing them too. They disenabled me okay from a couple. People got mad at the one guy but he was right that they were just recycling the background and the flowers.

Beware of ones that don't show the whole deck and it drives me nuts when they don't have their deck in order. I do not really need to spend 10 mins. on the box either. (I am sure you aren't as old and crabby.)



Haha, FaintlyMacabre, I am so with you on that!

Welcome to AT MoonMaiden, I was wondering if you knew already there there is a tarot deck gallery here at AT? You can search by title, subject matter (i.e. fairy decks, animal decks, witches decks, etc.), alphabetically, etc. and there are reviews for most, along with pictures of some of the cards :)


Perhaps this will help!