3 Pentacles?


The 3 Pents is usually the card of the Master Builder (in some decks it's the apprentice); it says you have the skill, you have the ability - use your talents to make or improve something ....

In this version (the Everyman Tarot) the Master Builder has a normal, mundane task to do and imagines the possibilities he can create from such a simple (or un-creative) starting point.

Oh, that's a whole new way to look at it, well we'll see what happens, thanks for the interpretation :3

The Three of Pentacles can also be about wanting to be noticed and looked up to--even admired--by others. So, that's another possibility.

Maybe, a little bit, haha. Well thanks for the interpretation ;3

If you are a profesional person and working in a corporation and asking (about your job or career in a reading ) expect some surveilliance behind the scenses, specially if close to the hierophan most of the times you do not even know they are checking up on you, maybe your supervisor informing the upper level, maybe the monthly review...., be prepared.

Oh..well i'll keep an eye on everything, thanks for saying that xD :3


Soo i did a zodiac spread for both me and my mom (one each) and the ambition/dream card for both of us was 3 Pentacles..to me that seems like we both want to finally gain a good financial stability...so i want to know your take on that card xD

Three of pents in this case is clearly about employment, a solid one in a structure and/or getting help from people in high places to get that.