The Lovers & Death as a career?


Bereavement Counselling - someone who aims to help people deal/cope with the loss (Death) of a loved one (Lovers).

Yes, counselor was mentioned and certainly fits with the combo :)


I saw a visual image of an ambulance screaming to a crash site, so I'm thinking paramedic. The lovers - care for the injured. Death as something they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Oooh paramedic, yes! It didn't even cross my mind, but I can see that as a possibility! :)


Because those cards look like the "twin masks" of Greek comedy and tragedy, where one is smiling (or laughing) and one is frowning (or crying).


Hi wondering if lovers and death suggests a choice around career which will bring an end to a current job


Mentor , coach, sensei, guru, sage, professor.. that or any job a person finds a sense of completeness from.. while coming from a place of loving intention to change themselves and/or others..?


or any job a person finds a sense of completeness from.. while coming from a place of loving intention to change themselves and/or others..?

Yes, I was thinking something in the lines of that, too :)


Hi all, I'm wondering what the Lovers & Death combo could imply as a career/profession? It seems like something significant because it's two majors... Perhaps choosing something you love and that will bring about major transformation..? I suppose this combo in general could mean counselor of sorts, but I'm not sure that fits. Suggestions? :)

Divorce attorney.

I thought the exact same thing.


Lovers and Death

The most literal meaning would be: You have a choice. One choice is the much better choice. When you choose one, the other will die.

Key 13 is all about death. When something dies you cannot go back to it.