Page cups + 6 pentacles as future and outcome in love



In a Celtic spread regarding a romantic interest and what will happen tomorrow when I will see him, I got page of cups in the position for near future and 6 pentacles as the outcome.

I have no idea really - all I can see is that Page cups means quite new or even immature feelings for me but that leading to, or in combo with 6 pentacles - a card I find difficult to interpret in a real situation - feelings of dependency or inferiority perhaps, but what kind of event might it be?

The man is an ex that I haven't seen for a long time. We have recently started talking again but though he seems happy about the reconnect he also strikes me as quite guarded and I am not getting clear messages from him. He was not happy about the breakup but at the time I had no I had no idea he even cared.

Could page cups indicate a message or suggestion of some kind?

Btw, I pulled a card for how I would feel about it and got 9 cups.


Moderator Note: Your thoughts on 9/Cups

Btw, I pulled a card for how I would feel about it and got 9 cups.
Greetings, acquario,

Could you tell us what you think the 9/Cups means as well? Our rules are that no one can give you their interpretations these three cards until you offer your interpretations of all three. Basically, if you name them, you have to say what you think of them :)

We know that you're mainly interested in the page and 6/Pents but we still need you to at least guess at what the 9/Cups means.

Thank you,
Thirteen co-moderator Using Tarot Cards


Hi Thirteen,

Oh sorry, I forgot to do that :)

In my readings 9 cups have almost always meant that I get what I want, lol. Yes, simply just that, that my wish comes true, but I know that it has a deeper meaning than just wishes fulfilled and as my the question for that card was how I would feel about it I suppose it could mean that I will feel content and happy with the meeting, completion, of one stage perhaps, as I don't see that the outcome as any kind of final decision/event about us. In any case, it is a feeling of satisfaction about the whole thing.

But I am still feeling confused as how to see the page cups and 6 pentacles together... :confused:


Sorry the previous response got posted twice but couldn't delete it...


In a Celtic spread regarding a romantic interest and what will happen tomorrow when I will see him, I got page of cups in the position for near future and 6 pentacles as the outcome.
If you're really asking about "tomorrow", there *is* only near future. None of "tomorrow" seems terribly distant to me. So perhaps the Page is your answer?

And this Page to me tends to indicate a situation where people aren't sure what they feel or what they want. Pages are about a lack of development in the area, and Cups are about emotions - all emotions both good and bad, not just love.

There's also the obvious truth that as long as a relationship (sexual or not) lasts between two people, as long as they know each other and are in contact with each other (which is, after all, what a relationship is), there can be no outcome. Outcomes are endings. In all relationships, family, work colleagues, service provider/client, or romantic, the only possible outcomes are limited to two possibilities:

1) the people lose contact for the very last time and never make contact with each other again, or

2) One or both people die.

Anything else isn't an outcome in a relationship, but merely the relationship moving on to a different stage.


Hi Nisaba,

I was thinking since my question was for a limited time that the outcome position would still be the outcome for that time. I do that often and it is usually accurate within that time frame.

Regarding outcome - by this reasoning, that an outcome has to be an ending, there cannot really be an outcome to anything so long as the that situation can change. I see it differently. I think of reconciliation as an outcome, or a breakup or basically anything. I don't see it as an ending but more as a level reached, that then of course can change. And if that isn't an outcome perhaps the name of that position ought to be changed ;)

What about 6 pentacles? I have always found that card difficult to understand in context. I have no idea what it could mean between two people more than help and dependency.


Sometimes the 6 of Pentacles can mean someone becoming a bit clingy, depending on the other person a bit too much. Basically an imbalance in the relationship, at its most simplified meaning.

One of you is always going to be the "giver," and one is always going to be the "receiver." Whether it's affection, communication, whatever, one of you will be doing all the work and basically carrying the relationship on your shoulders.

In this context, I would interpret the Page of Cups to be "puppy love," that sweet little period of time when the love is new and you're both completely infatuated. The 6 of Pents as the outcome, however, leads me to think that when the puppy love wears off, the relationship won't be nearly what you thought it was.


Hi MistressMorrigan,

Sometimes the 6 of Pentacles can mean someone becoming a bit clingy, depending on the other person a bit too much. Basically an imbalance in the relationship, at its most simplified meaning.

This was really helpful. I have never made the connection of clingyness with this card but it makes sense the way this card has turned up in other readings.

'Tomorrow' has passed and I understand the cards now in context of what happened. We had a really good time, more relaxed and fun (page cups) than previous times when we have met recently. But when we were about to leave it was as though neither of us actually knew what to do and so all those happy feelings and the connection that we had seemed gone and replaced with a feeling - at least on my part but now afterwards I think for him also - of insecurity of the other person's feelings, an imbalance therefore (6 pentacles) even if just perceived and not real.

And how I felt about it... well, up until leaving I felt good and relaxed so I suppose that is the 9 cups. :)


Hi Thirteen,

Oh sorry, I forgot to do that :)

In my readings 9 cups have almost always meant that I get what I want, lol.

When I am using the Whimsical Tarot I read it the same way, but with other decks the message is more like: Don't drink more than you can handle, or something in that direction...


Page of Cups:

The potential is there, the start of a new feeling, both are in the same page.

Six of pentacles:

Is a good potential for both and opening that are in tune to give and take

If you have a high cup card that effort can bring good results, if you apply your effort at present time. The cards look to me as are arranged past present and future.