Snapshot Spread (Great for 'Others' Readings)


This is a Spread I use for reading updates on a situation, especially in doing 'Other' readings that leaves the sitter themselves out of it. (Yes, I do that; I know many believe it to be unethical. I don't. If you believe it unethical, there are still uses for this Spread perhaps, but that's my main usage.)

A lot of times a sitter will come in and say, "I want to know what's going on with such-and-such" (or with another person's relationship, etc). This is generally the Spread I do. I normally warn the sitter it may not impact them, and thus it may be a waste of their time in a way, but normally, that doesn't deter people.

Nor does it always deter me. I use it to read on my friend's relationships all the time. (I like to know when I'm going to need to buy the engagement gift or have the chocolate ice cream at the ready...)

Snapshot Spread

+Shadow Card
(Optional: +Advice Card)


In this case, I read the Shadow as "Additional information that's vital to understanding the Spread."

If it, for some reason, does seem to incorporate the sitter more than initially thought, I'll pull an Advice card to see if the sitter should become involved or take any action.

Anyway, kind of random, but it's one of my most accurate Spreads, so I thought I'd share.

If I don't do reversals, I read elemental dignities with 2 and 3, 6 and 4, and 5 and 1, in pairs.

P.S. I normally know one of the positions (usually the 'Who') at least, but that's on purpose... I like having a position to confirm. Plus, it provides greater perspective.


Your intro had me giggling. I do it too!

I'm going to try this out right now.


Hi, berrieh,

I like this spread - but can you elaborate a bit more on the positions? I didn't quite understand...

1-Who - does this represent the "other"?
2-What - what the other is doing?
+Shadow Card
(Optional: +Advice Card)

So, what is the question, for instance more general like: I want to know how is X doing or can it be something more specific?


1-Who - does this represent the "other"?

Yes. Whomever you want to know about.

2-What - what the other is doing?
Yes, in general or in specific. (It could be "What" in love or "What" in career or "What" with Susie Smith, if you ask it that way.)


Yep see "What" as above"

+Shadow Card

Shadow Card shows the additional aspects of that situation. It would be essentially advice for the other.

(Optional: +Advice Card)

Advice card would be for the sitter, not the Other.