Tater's Daily Elemental Spread

Tarot Card Spreads

Tater's Daily Elemental Spread (4 Card)

Of all the tarot card spreads, this one, that I built myself, is fairly easy to follow. It works based on the relationship or permutations of the elements. It’s a snap shot of the energy that surrounds and influences our world. It is read from right (east) to the left (west) following the path of the sun from sunrise to sunset.


1 - Fire
2 - Air
3 - Water
4 - Earth

Fire (Spiritual) - Actions (past), willpower, creative energy, motivation, inspiration, intent, spirit

Air (Mental) - Decisions (present), communication, intellect, knowledge

Water (Emotional) - Feelings (reaction), understanding, psychic sense (the unknown), relationships

Earth (Physical) - Potential (future), Manifestation of reality, finances, health, material world

Position one (fire) is our beginning or theme for the spread where we determine our will or desire by past actions.

Position two (air) is our current conscious state where we consider options and communicate with the outside world based on our knowledge.

Position three (water) is our reactive unconscious state where our response is relative to our understanding.

Position four (earth) is our potential results where we manifest our reality.

Fire/Air = Active/Give
Water/Earth = Passive/Receive