day of death spread


I can almost see the urge to wish to know your own day/month/year of death, but frankly, it would inspire such fear in me as that day approached, that I wouldn't be able to think straight.
I truly believe that in some subjects, ignorance is the best policy.


myabe it wasnt supposed to give out an exact date, but rather (maybe) give out certain omens, signs etc? say, instead of the cards saying death will come (give a specific date here), it may well describe the situation perhaps of death, or other evens that may be related or may happen at the time of death. i dunno. i find that the tarot as a divination tool (divination in general) is very rarely objective and gives out specific (perhaps even absolute) answers, rather, being subjective (subject to interpreration), it calls out to our personal human experiences to give light to whatever cryptic message it gives out in every reading.


Even if it would only give a situation related to one's death, what use would that be? Say it would indicate you will die in a car accident, what good will that knowledge be? Will you stay away from cars for the rest of your life?


i guess it would be up to us how we would intepret that, and use it (hopefully constructively) in our lives. i find that this should not hinder us from living our lives, but instead make our lives more meaningful (us, actively seeking meaning in our lives) in that active anticipation of (a la Heiddeger) that ultimate possibility in our lives which we cannot escape: death. :)


abystander said:
i came up with a spread to figure out what year i was going to die
and i think it worked pretyy good.

Hmmm, i can't help but wonder how you could know that it worked pretty good............?