Four of Cups


If we said Three of Cups was a card of friendship,
could the Four of Cups mean withdrawal from friends or a group of people (friends, family etc.)

I always thought this was a card of being emotionally disappointed & re-evaluation of friendships.

But now I'm thinking maybe it's about being offered a new friendship but looking at the past with disappointment.

I guess I never thought that we are sometimes in need to offer our friendship also.

A need for new friendship?


Hmm, I never thought of the friendship aspect this card could have-- I'm going to have to go back and look at a few readings I did for myself-- i had this card show up a few times and I think your ideas are going to bring a whole new aspect my reading. very cool


This is an interesting concept, I've usually thought of this card as apathy, or self involvement to the point of not being able to see or appreciate what you already have or what is being offered. Or maybe not being interested in what is there, so yeah, I could see how this could mean outgrown relationships of some sort or total boredom with them, and that it's time to make some positive,constructive changes. But with the cup being offered, sort of like the Ace of Cups, the hand emerging from the clouds, is the offer of something new and different, but this person under the tree seems to be looking inward rather than outside. It would seem like a state of stagnancy, coming between the celebration of the three and the regrets of the five.
Oh wow, how about too much 3 of cups creating a stupor, kind of the after effects of overindulgence, pre passed out and hang over (that really seems like 5 of cups) Basically in a state of saturation. Too much to take it all in? So it could be not being able to see the forest for the trees? (Or would that cliche apply to 7 of Cups?)

Thanks again for raising more questions with your one!

Phoenix Rising

I've drawn this card a couple of times in the last couple of weeks.And what it meant for me was "I was looking at other options(3 cups) but the one option that was staring me in the face I chose to ignore(arms crossed and not looking at what's been given) It was just what I needed. So now I'm taking the one that was handed to me.


divine discontent

If you look at the tree trunk and the leaves using a magnifying glass
you can find a lot of contours and suggested images, dark imaginings.


the four of cups

this four is the archetype of boredom, monotony. also like when you have all these things to entertain you, but you are still miserable. rejection, too. the man in the four may be refusing or unable to see whats before him. of course, he may have already seen this magical cup appearing before him in a cloud, but still doesent change his mood.


While researching another subject, I came upon a reference
to the following information, and wondered if anyone can
find a comparison to this tradition in the Tarot illustration.
I have chosen to briefly paraphrase, using my own words:

The Four Cups of Wine for Passover

By drinking from The Four Cups during Passover we demonstrate
that we can physically accomplish our spiritual goals ourselves,
that we can actively free ourselves from whatever enslaves us.


Is the seated figure resisting liberation selfishly clinging to past sorrows?


Interesting ideas!!

When I see the 4 of cups I always think of an oppertunity that is being handed to that person but that person ignores it or does not want it. They nee dto give it a second look.


I like that idea, ros.

I've also often thought of it as a card of "emotional focus." That is, being so focused on a particular emotional event that you can't enjoy other things that would otherwise give you pleasure. You know you're going to see a loved one that you've been missing, so the company of your friends doesn't mean as much.

In this case, the clouds would represent your mental fantasies and imagined futures, as opposed to what's sitting right in front of you.

Little Baron

Just a thought. I see the 3 as growth in an emotional situation. Maybe growth and development from the unity of the 2. Could the 4 be offering another emotional relationship? Possibly an affair. The man can take this offer or can return to the established three cups on the floor infront of him. Decisions....

Probably a silly thought .. it is 2.30am
