Lo Scarabeo Epic Tarot


Some months have passed, and I'm really curious - those that purchased the Epic, how do you get along with it? I bought the Universal Fantasy deck and love its beauty and magical atmosphere, and the Epic seems like a brother or cousin to that deck somehow.

How do the courts play out in readings? The idea is fascinating and I like the idea of doing something completely different with the courts - mythological beasts instead of humans. I also think they have been mostly chosen well - the naive unicorn and the dynamic griffin sound great. For the queens, the mysterious Sphinx would have been a better choice IMO and the powerful Phoenix could have been a good fiery king, too. Maybe I'm too much into stereotypes but somehow Phoenix and queens doesn't go together well - something a bit more watery or "feminine" would have been easier for me to get on board with.

Nevertheless, it's an interesting concept and if there's one thing I like about Lo Scarabeo it's their willingness to experiment while retaining the "tarot DNA".

So, what are your experiences with this deck now?