Beginner's questions


lawguy51 I agree

I believe that this deck is alive with a generous offering. It is so refreshing.
I agree with you lawguy, all the way..


I don't see why a person couldn't appreciate this deck and start using it right away, even if they don't know much about Crowley or Thelema. But my personal opinion is that the more you know about both, the more total your experience will be. There is just so much there you will miss out on if you don't investigate the details of Crowley's life and philosophy.



I didn't use this deck because I thought the images were a little crazy and I really did think that Crowley was nuts. It took me a while before I could look at them and appreciate how much the thoth deck expressed the messages behind the card.

There are probably other reasons people are not initially attracted to the deck, but if they do not use the deck, that fine. If they do in time, thats fate; thats the wheel.

Back to discussing what to expect from learning the'll probably learn more about systems working behind it such as color, numerology, qabala, and astrology. I've picked up astrology in the past 4 months, and now I'm onto qabala! I just checked out a golden dawn book from my library and a beginning qabala book.