Justice card


Hey all you beautiful people.

Justice as an outcome card. I see justice as the cause and effect. A karmic card, would this suggest then that the outcome will be based on what is right for my higher good and therefore i have little say over it?

I was asking about a new job btw


Justice as an outcome card. I see justice as the cause and effect. A karmic card, would this suggest then that the outcome will be based on what is right for my higher good and therefore i have little say over it?

I think you're interpreting that accurately. I pull Justice when I need to ground my expectations. Whatever feels fair and realistic is what will result, not any lofty fantasies I may have.


I see Judgement as more of the karma card - you reap what you have sown. When the archangel blows his horn you go up or you go down based on the life you lived.....

Justice is blind (and somewhat impartial). By new job, do you mean one you're starting or one you've applied for? If one you're starting, then Justice says that your probationary review will be based solely on the work you do and not how well your boss likes you or how well you fit in. If it's a job you've applied for, Justice says that your resume/application will be considered only on its merits and nothing else.

Judgement Rx might indicate nepotism or favoritism.



For me the Justice often appears when something is beyond my control. It says you've done everything you could, but it's not in your hands anymore. You'll get what you need, not necessarily what you want. And although I'm not a big fan of Karma theory, I do believe that life has a way to guide us and to bring balance when balance is needed.
The Justice is related to cause and effect. You did A and you triggered a B response. Not necessarily because it was predetermined, but because your choices determine the outcomes.


Hey all you beautiful people.

Justice as an outcome card. I see justice as the cause and effect. A karmic card, would this suggest then that the outcome will be based on what is right for my higher good and therefore i have little say over it?

I was asking about a new job btw

Justice tends to tell me that the outcome will reflect what you put into it: have you done *everything* you can to deserve the job? (I don't need to know the answer, it's for you to think about).


Hey all you beautiful people.

Justice as an outcome card. I see justice as the cause and effect. A karmic card, would this suggest then that the outcome will be based on what is right for my higher good and therefore i have little say over it?

I was asking about a new job btw

I see it pretty much the same. Not so much the cause and effect, but that it is saying that the outcome will be based on what is right for your higher good (and those of anyone else involved).

You may well have little say over it, but the good news is you don't have to. You can let go and just let things unfold and they will just automatically unfold in the best way for you. Without your even trying. Your job is to just have faith in that and let it happen. You wouldn't need to take control in this case. Better to let go and let it happen and go with the flow.



The Judgement/Justice dichotomy has always intrigued me. Judgement suggests finality, a cosmic reckoning. Justice strikes me more as a verdict that is meted out in a metaphorical "court of law," and there is sometimes recourse to appeal. They are both cards of "getting one's just desserts;" in a negative sense, one is more about being run over by a steamroller, the other about being backed into a corner and litigated to death. A more positive viewpoint is that the supplicant is either "raised" in the sense of a major renewal of some kind, or "vindicated" in a contentious situation. Judgement burns hot and righteous (elemental Fire), Justice is more cold-blooded (Libra, in which Saturn is exalted).

Regarding things that are "out of our control," I see all of the Major Arcana as potentially "big deal" events or influences that can be difficult to avoid or deflect, leaving adjustment or adaptation as the only reasonable course.