Favorite Spreads


Thanks for giving us this web address.
Only problem is it has too many spreads to choose from ;)
Hope you will like it here !
I agree, I also don't like spreads made by a computer. They asked me to think of a question and concentrate on passing this question to the computer. I just felt silly.
I'd rather do my own spreads, I like to shuffle my cards as a way to get started and concentrate.


Tailisman's Tea Cup

Hi all,

I have taken the tea cup and turned it into my own..

1/2: the person I am reading for..

3: past
4: present
5: possible future (never tell anyone it's the future)

6: subconsious

8: WHAT FILLS YOUR CUP: ADVISE...this is what you need to do to reach your possible future.

I love this spread..it's simple and yet it's amazing how well works for me..

Thanks again Tailisman



I use a three card spread to read for my next day at work, not sure if I made it up, or heard of it somewhere, but I've been using it for a long time.

1. My attitude
2. Attitude of others
3. outcome of the day

This spread has been straight-on more than once for me. Kind of similar to others, but mine deals more with emotions instead of actions.


So far my favorite spread has been the standard 15 card spread that is included with the Thoth LWB.

I'm currently searching for the Rahdue's Wheel spread.


Hi destroy thehuman,
would you post info about this spread, I have the crowley deck and lost my little book that came with it :-(. I really liked the spread and it worked well for me the very few times I used it. Do you also use the little prayer that the book suggests to use? Could you post that too? Do you use it for a general spread as well as specific questions?



I like the alternative spread, is very useful if you want an answer to specific question such as should I go abroad? or should I change job? should I leave my parents and so on, this spread is intended to show what will happen if you persue a couse of action that you are already considering and also what will happen if you were not to do this or were to do something else instead. the order in wich the cards are laid out suggest the way in wich they should be interpreted: 1 is laid opposite 2, 3 opposite 4 and 5 opposite 6 the cards can therefore be seen as pair, the individual cards in each pair opposing one another in a way that should make evident both the contrast and similarities in the two different situations the cards at the top of the spread 5,1 and 3 show what will be likely to happen if you proceeds in the way you are presently considering; while4,2 and 6 show some alternative wich can suggest a better couse of action that you have not thought of: or that you have thought of but had decided to reject. card 7 the outcome it can show a possible solution, but is more likely to present a general view of the situation, clarifying a particular problem or pointing to some aspect of it wich is important to consider. Below is the spread.


Cards 1,3 and 5 what will happen if
querent persues choosen course
card 1
.......... ..........
card 5 card 3

card 7 problem,present
situation, outcome
.......... ..........
card 4 card 6
card 2

cards 2,4 and 6 alternative posibilities


lili, I really like that spread you posted...


Thanks RedWood for the comment about the spread, if you get to use it I hope you can see how accurate and useful it is.



Hey guys!
I'm a beginner and I'm trying to learn about various spreads. Does anyone know of spreads that aren't very difficult which you would recommend?
