Every Step You Take....


Every Move You Make....I'll be Watching you....So does anyone here know any good energy work to get rid of a Stalker?? Why I attract these psychos is Beyond Me...

Thank you in Advance!

Ww :)


I'm Beginning to think this Must be past lives...:(


Hi Wonderwoman. I've found that for me, every case of such extreme behavior is due to past life residue. Stones can help protect you in the meantime. A small high altitude, hematite-included, double-terminated quartz crystal from Tibet is my go-to stone for protection. I'll notice it or think about it and I know it is recommending I carry it. In this way, there is no conflict between the other human(s) and me. Conflict is the way we create and sustain such repeating situations. I would also minimize contact--of course--and avoid acting on your emotions, being compassionate and understanding interacting. It's going to spiral around to love sooner or later, in this life or the next, in this case your understanding how lost and alone they feel to behave so. The understanding helps us to be at peace with what happened.

The long term solution I've found is to eliminate my participation in a given discordant game. Usually that used to be battle with long-term enemies, but I was stalked by a very attractive young woman as well. In your case you are the stalkee. I asked within for guidance into and through my role as a participant. Part of my path is understanding what caused discord, sustained it and how to heal it. I found that she had been my mother who I knew had emotional issues and as a boy (A friend saw that.) I tried my best to get into the house to save her, but she killed herself. Talk about residue! There were plenty of other lives interacting, which left a strong, unbalanced emontional bond between us.

Each player in a given game has a way of attaching to another player. Without the attachment point or interface, somebody looking to play that game won't even notice us. It's amazing, like we've become invisible. You can spot your game participation by what gets you riled up emotionally. One of my pet peeves has been lazy people who live off other people. My judging them created the interface with players of that game: all players on all sides of the game. I'm not finished with that one, but I'm close. I couldn't stand "people like that" before. Now I sometimes feel mild irritation, a huge difference. I'm astounded at the change when I remember how angry I used to become.

All this to show what I've been through, but the short answer is: ask for guidance from within to guide you in releasing whatever concept you hold that creates the interface. Then go with what enters your awareness that feels best for you. This works with any issue we are ready to release. Energy work may await you as part of the package!

Starri Knytes

Or you could cast a binding spell or an invisibility spell to repel or go unnoticed.

The old fashioned ignore tends to work eventually in real life and blocking works online.

Briar Rose

This is such a hard idea to grasp, but once you understand it, and understand the energy around it, it really works. It isn't easy, and it takes time and patience to master how to use it;

*What you think about you bring about.*​

At times, you may not even know it, or have any awareness.

I am guessing that something is going on with you that you attract these types. You say you don't know why. But you do! That is the key. Find out that answer.

It took me YEARS to understand how energy works, and how I can master my own thoughts and mind, and bring into my life exactly what I am thinking, wanting and doing. I still don't have it 100%, but I am darn close.

Another hard concept to grasp is love. You can heal more and protect yourself more when you send out a loving, for the greater good for mankind than any other vibrational frequency.

You can grid your house to protect you from unwanted energy. I think the crystals for that are black tourmaline, black obsidian, snowflake obsidian and Shungite. You can print out a grid on line, and then program your crystals. There is tons of free information on gridding. Using quartz crystals will amplify working with these crystals.

Also, you may want to read Judy Hall's book:

"Crystals for Psychic Self-Protection."

I am in the process of reading that now. She also has a new book out.


Thank you stonesatiety, Starri Knytes, Briar Rose. I see what you are saying. I had (lately) kept the said stalker out of reach. Rarely any contact, no interactions from me energy wise and then person saw me at an event and BAM! all over again but this time creepier. I never try to engage this human. Matter of fact, I don't understand why my usual facial expressions of I Repel Thou do not work. :(


energy work, understanding and using the law of attraction, stones for clearing, grounding, and protection, absolutely. These are all things which can help you along this path. But I strongly urge you to also consider the pragmatic side of this situation. If this person is obsessed with you, it is not outside the normal course for that obsession to perhaps become dangerous. Protect yourself on the physical as well as the emotional, spiritual plane. Many years ago, I had a stalker and I followed the common (for then) advice. Ignore them, don't engage, no eye contact, walk away. Unfortunately, this did not result in the obsession fading, but rather strengthening and becoming dangerous. It was only due to good neighbors willing to get involved in the big city that kept it from being much worse. Be careful, as your stalker may not be rational. Be safe!


good suggestions so far, but I would also highly advise you getting a protection order out on these people. Our daughter had two stalkers in her young life and we had to put in a protective order against them as a result. Stalkers can be dangerous--you don't want to just ignore the problem. In one case where she was concerned, the one stalker eventually broke into her apartment. Please don't wait for something as frightening as this to happen. Get this taken care of now!

I have also found that most black stones are of a great help for protection and can be carried. I would also carry a rose quartz stone to help keep you calm and feeling safe. Good luck to you.


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