Packing all (almost) my decks away


I think we all have tremendously acquisitive urges, and our culture encourages us to indulge this. I'm in a few planner groups, and even though you can only carry one planner at a time, many people have dozens of the things, and they're always trading and buying. I can see coveting them - lovely colours and styles, like shoes - but why are we always looking for something new?

Tarot is a bit of a different case, of course - they're more like books, with rich stories to share with us, so I think there's no harm in collecting them. But if something is sitting untouched in a drawer for years, it's not being used or appreciated. Things sat in a storage box under the bed are not being valued.

I started a thread a little while ago - I must check in on it - asking whether people had parted with decks and later regretted it. Most people said no regrets, with just a few exceptions.

I call myself a minimalist, but I think I'm more moderate - I like to do things, and doing stuff usually involves... stuff.

I think your plan is good, and allows you time to test your commitment to the idea.

This is an important point about storage. I would like my collection to be more accessible. The hope has been to have a reading/spiritual room where all my decks are on one wall and easy to access. Otherwise I do tend to regularly go for the decks that are out on the table.

Le Fanu

I think this is really admirable. I wish I could do it. I always find myself wishing I had 6 months without working - yes, six months - in order to completely declutter my life.

As things stand, I just don't have time - weekends fly by and I have such busy weeks - and stuff just keeps on accumulating. Clothes I can more or less keep on top of as I have a friend who is as tall as me, doesn't have much money and he loves everything I give him and it all fits. But things like books and tarot decks are harder to get rid of.

I would love to have a serious, brutal cull but I know it would take forever and yet I KNOW that I would love tarot all the more for it. I would see what I love in tarot more clearly. As its stands I feel like I have loads of novelty LoS decks and Llewellyn stuff like a millstone around my neck.

I've taken decks to my local shop where it's on sale - as in, I get the money only if they sell it. Some decks (Steampunk, Dragon, Buddha and a few others) have been there for ages and are not budging and I really don't want them back...I hope they forget who took them there. I really do wish I had the time and focus to really empty out my life.

The problem is, we live in a sizeable apartment and something I learnt from my parents - who live in a sizeable house - is that if you've got space, you fill it and it doesn't really bother you - you just close doors and forget about it. If you live in small spaces, you just can't. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have the place burn down. I suspect I'd find something morbidly exhilarating about it as long as the pets were safe.


I would love to have a serious, brutal cull but I know it would take forever and yet I KNOW that I would love tarot all the more for it.

<with sympathy> You will need help.

<books flight for Portugal>


I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have the place burn down. I suspect I'd find something morbidly exhilarating about it as long as the pets were safe.

After our very own Kwaw's housefire ... I think he wouldn't mind swapping with you. :)


I'm a tarot newbie, but over the years I've had a succession of hobbies that had me collecting. In retrospect, no, I really don't need all the stuff I've acquired. On the other hand, they were great hobbies at the time, they fit within my entertainment budget, and I had a lot of fun. Luckily for me, I mostly stuck to small things that don't take up huge amounts of space, so I don't really feel the need to cull more than I have by now. Every once in a while I rediscover a bit of treasure, and enjoy it all over again. Having a lousy memory is kind of a help, in that sense.

I like the idea of tucking things away for a while, just to gauge how strongly you feel about any individual deck.

In terms of tarot decks, part of the fun for me is choosing a deck at random sometimes. I keep my decks wrapped in cloth for their protection, but it also helps me choose a deck without knowing for sure which is which. Some of them are larger than others, but all wrapped up, I'm still not sure what I've got til I unwrap it. As others have said, images that aren't totally familiar are sometimes help spark my imagination, so that's a good thing.

I guess I'd be reluctant to ditch a deck I might not be able to reacquire, if there were any part of it I truly enjoyed. Some decks just weren't for me, so I let them go pretty quickly, but I guess that was just part of learning which styles are for me.


Over the last few months, I've become really unsettled by the amount of 'stuff' I own, so I began to get rid of much of it. Clothes first, then all kinds of miscellanea was the turn of the tarot decks!

Has any one else done anything similar? How did it work out for you? From having over 100 decks to hand to less than 10. I really do feel something akin to relief! (but maybe that won't last!)

Yup right here!

I did the whole Kon-Mari clean out. It sounds so lame, but really, I am just happier with less stuff. I know what I own. I am not constantly buying stuff. I think the best part is that my closet is now half bookshelves & half clothes.

It's just such a treat to peek into my closet and find only clothes that I like to wear and books that I love to read. My closet is no longer overflowing so that's a plus as well and yet I now can always find something to wear. Ironic, ne?

Below is my collection of tarot. Over the years I bought and sold and traded and gave away dozens upon dozens of decks. But these are what stayed with me, I doubt I will ever feel the need to pick up a new deck, but even if I do, it won't become the habit of old where I just kept acquiring for no apparent reason.

all in all ... very happy with this smaller set...

Victorian Romantic 2nd ed.
Anna K 2nd ed.

Wildwood** trimmed and gilded
Druidcraft** trimmed and gilded


Yup right here!

I did the whole Kon-Mari clean out. It sounds so lame, but really, I am just happier with less stuff. I know what I own. I am not constantly buying stuff. I think the best part is that my closet is now half bookshelves & half clothes.

It's just such a treat to peek into my closet and find only clothes that I like to wear and books that I love to read. My closet is no longer overflowing so that's a plus as well and yet I now can always find something to wear. Ironic, ne?

Below is my collection of tarot. Over the years I bought and sold and traded and gave away dozens upon dozens of decks. But these are what stayed with me, I doubt I will ever feel the need to pick up a new deck, but even if I do, it won't become the habit of old where I just kept acquiring for no apparent reason.

all in all ... very happy with this smaller set...

Victorian Romantic 2nd ed.
Anna K 2nd ed.

Wildwood** trimmed and gilded
Druidcraft** trimmed and gilded

While I admire your courage and resolve - really, I do! Kon-Marie and tarot-collecting just don't live in the same world. :neutral:


I did a clean out in 2016... sold about 1/3 of my 200 deck collection. Don't miss any of the decks I sold, but love the ones I kept.


The sheer single-mindedness and lack of sentimentality of the people here is just something to behold, and I mean that as a compliment. Whew.


The sheer single-mindedness and lack of sentimentality of the people here is just something to behold, and I mean that as a compliment. Whew.

I'm not sure we're entirely unsentimental - but how much stuff *can* you actually be sentimental about? I'm definitely sentimental about a few of my decks. But the ones that don't quite work for me - well, they'd best go where they'll be used.

If you're a collector, of course, that's a different matter - you give your collection appropriate space and care and view it as an entity. It's governed by some rules, and not arbitrary.

But hey, if you're handing out compliments, I'll take it as one.