Raising your vibration before reading


I agree with all points Beancrew49 (et all.) makes except to focus in on diet.
We are omnivores IMO - so conversion to a veg or even more extreme vegan diet can be a challenge (and infact vegan in-the-long-run can be unhealthy). Plus more so, with our generations of engendering of the idea, that low fat high carb is good (now being uncovered that this causes problems, and there's still lots of resistance from "the establishment" in many places to this. Though Sweden I understand, is the only country that has embraced this shift).
Without this adjustment to these diets, it again, has long-term unhealthy impact (I stress IMO because of course mileage will differ here. Diet is such an individual thing).
If sticking to meat keep it as organic as possible, since they are treated better and pumped less full of stuff.
Our environment is so polluted, and how we farm even plants - so contorted these days - that it's a question of "choosing your poisons" - again IMO.

I particularly like these points:


- and I will add here, back to the diet point - high carb diet (with low fat) - which is generally our accepted modern diet - makes our minds "busy", making it more difficult to meditate. Because - carbs are still sugar - so we're mostly on a sugar high even if we've cut out confectionary.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thank you Tanga. I really have to work on the amount of carbs in my diet and I really needed to be reminded about the impact they are having on me - so thank you for that.
I became vegetarian about two years ago and would like to progress to a vegan diet as my view on it differs to yours. But I appreciate your advice

Thanks again


I shuffle my cards. That sets up the reading perfectly. When the cards "feel done" we're all good to go, them and me. It puts both the deck and you in the right state automatically.

Sometimes, trying too hard backfires, as you start to doubt yourself and the cards. Just *do* it.

Hi Nisaba,
I take on board what your are saying - I guess the thing here is to ensure I have a balanced approach and 'not sweat' it too much - sometimes I know I can overthink things too much. However, I am concerned, on the other hand, about what I am exposing myself too when I read for others. I can experience spirit very strongly at times and this has made me nervous when I am reading for someone I don't know. It has also made me hesitant to offer readings - which I would like to be able to do in order to develop my readings skills.

Many thanks for sharing your insight with me and taking the time to respond to my post.

Much appreciated -



This is just my practice, but I separate my cards that are used during channeling sessions from my divination tools. Personally, I don't use cards to establish connection. I will occasionally pull cards for the querent and the same rule applies... separate your tools. In the past, I have used oracle cards for this (particularly angel decks) and I find that oracle work quite well for these purposes.

There's the contamination aspect when mixing tools, which means you will have to be thorough about cleaning them often. Sometimes the spirits may continue to want to contact post session and if you have a tool that has been used for this connection, they may show up in the cards long after the session. Particularly annoying if you use your cards for self-evaluation. It's a good idea to perform a protection prayer prior to this exercise in which you explicitly state... you are only allowing communication during this session and this session only and you always begin with a protection prayer and ask for divine guidance before you open up... if you feel it is even remotely shaky, the strength of the protection or the strength of the connection, do not proceed further and begin the prayer to close the connection. It should never be forced. If you mix decks sometimes spirits do return for whatever purpose, and I've had some "play" with my cards in the past... my loved ones used to this, but then that is fine... but I usually close the connection with a prayer for myself and the spirit post-session and re-establish the wall of protection. Just like any relationship, it's always important to maintain boundaries... separating the tools helps with this practice.

Thank you so much for your advice - I found this really helpful and I will remember to do this.

Much appreciated



It's the finer auric vibration we affect when we meditate, contemplate, fast, pray, burn incense, eat vegetarian food, or induce alpha waves in any other way. Tarot reading is a contemplative art in it's own right which will induce the same thing but not as quickly, it takes a while to get into the mind state needed to read tarot but the practice in itself will raise your vibration.

We can wilfully change our note but within the larger scale of things we cannot jump an octave through such practices, we must climb slowly towards the state of grace, which is why drugs that enable spring boarding can be dangerous leaving us too open.

Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me - it makes good sense.

Much appreciated,



If you want to practice raising the level of your vibrations, these are all excellent methods. However, as Nisaba already stated, simply shuffling the cards and setting the intention of being at a higher vibration is the most effective and straightforward method. Mind over matter....if you believe that shuffling and intention setting is enough, than it most certainly will be enough. You are ultimately the one in control of the reading. And, the more experience you have, the more you will realize you can connect to Spirit without a lot of fuss and bother. Spirit is always there. Just my opinion and two cents, of course. :)

Thank you, RiverRunsDeep for taking the time to respond to me. I guess at the moment all of this is new to me and it is comforting to have some kind of ritual before connecting with the cards. However it is heartening to hear that the more experience I have, the less bother I will have connecting to spirit. At the moment though it worries me, as I am not sure what to expect or where this will go.

Thanks a million,



I don't want to derail this thread into a diet discussion, and I completely agree with you that some of us are just meant to eat meat, but I disagree that humans are carnivores. I think we are carnivores now because we were intentionally mislead as a species into believing this. I'm not sure how much you know about our Archonic influences, and it's not a discussion meant for this thread, but the human race has undergone some deception. Personally speaking, it was not hard in any sense of the word to switch to a plant based diet. I LOVED meat for about 33 years. I ate it everyday. My decision to switch to a vegetarian and then vegan diet was one I realized I had to make, for my physical (and more importantly) mental and spiritual health, and it was the easiest and best decision I've ever made. As to the implication that a vegan diet is unhealthy in the long run, I think that you have to know what you're doing and those who failed didn't do it correctly. Those who have are closer to ascension than most others. Again, this is all based on my personal experience and you have to do what is right for you.

Oh yes, deception is rife (because money makes the world go round, and "proof" quite often depends on politics) - and everything is a theory. Hence I said: IMO, "your mileage may differ" and "diet is such an individual thing".
Plus I said omnivores, not carnivores.
Because it's so individual (with the myriad of factors that influence nature), "knowing what you are doing"
for yourself, is often a long process of trial and error.
I agree. :)

Thank you Tanga. I really have to work on the amount of carbs in my diet and I really needed to be reminded about the impact they are having on me - so thank you for that.
I became vegetarian about two years ago and would like to progress to a vegan diet as my view on it differs to yours. But I appreciate your advice

Thanks again



You can just put a piece of tourmaline stone in close to your card deck, in the same tarot cloth, and of course, using candles, incense or/and playing a couple of times a singing bowl, those are quick and easy ways to keep low energies away.


Thanks Kika - that is really helpful!

Happy new year!



Hi Everyone,

I got some really great advice in this thread, which really helped. Since I put this up I also found a book called Crystals for Psychic Self-protection by Judy Hall. It's a very interesting read and might be helpful to anyone who is interested in this thread.

All the best,



So glad you received help here. You sound very psychic and this does aid readings enormously.
Before l do a reading l take a couple of deep breaths to calm and ground me, then call on ArchAngel Michael to protect me and to also give strength to the reading. l call on ArchAngel Raphael to bring harmony and healing into the room and also for the client of it is needed.
l do this before the client arrives and whilst doing this l may pick up on their feelings and needs before they arrive. l find that my reading/therapy room takes on a beautiful relaxing atmosphere which puts people at ease immediately. l have a few candles burning to welcome any spiritual angels/guides or loved ones.

This only takes minutes and after l have done a reading l always thank those unseen helpers and of course my cards.

If you read at fairs or parties, then doing this before you go will help in the same way.