Page of wands, The Moon and the hierophant as how someone sees u physically


So, a friend of mine asked for a reading of herself and how her crush sees her physically. So part of the spread was 3 cards connecting to each other. the Page of wands, The moon and the Hierophant.

So this is what my idea is:

Page of wands - he sees the querent as someone young-looking/childlike.
The Moon - He sees he querent as graceful by the way she moves, or her appearance is magnetic to him.
The Hierophant - He sees he querent as decent looking/conservative and etc.

So what do you guys think? would be glad to hear your interpretations to this one. :)


Page of wands - youthful, energetic, enthusiastic (sometimes excessively so).
The Moon - a bit messy, absent-looking, feminine.
The Hierophant - properly dressed and well-behaved. :)


I get an outgoing, friendly person, who keeps some mystery about her. There's sex appeal. Kind of like the librarian type. You know what they say about those librarians. ;) there's attraction here, but it's not being shown


Page of wands - youthful, energetic, enthusiastic (sometimes excessively so).
The Moon - a bit messy, absent-looking, feminine.
The Hierophant - properly dressed and well-behaved. :)

I get what you're saying here dancing_moon! Because if I'm to describe her, she does show that youthful, very feminine and well-behaved persona around her.

I get an outgoing, friendly person, who keeps some mystery about her. There's sex appeal. Kind of like the librarian type. You know what they say about those librarians. ;) there's attraction here, but it's not being shown

Yes! That makes sense QueenPen, I also love the librarian comparison, since she's in fact a book lover ;)

Thanks so much for your interpretations guys, this will really help on my reading for her. :D


Many of the comments offered above didn't refer to physical appearance at all, because Tarot is not all that good at superficial physical stuff. It's better at qualities of character.


Many of the comments offered above didn't refer to physical appearance at all, because Tarot is not all that good at superficial physical stuff. It's better at qualities of character.

Well, I actually think the descriptions of my friend really connected well to the cards shown and the interpretations given. :)

And I actually believe the Tarot is good at anything, all it needs is our "will" or "intent" on it, atleast that's what I've learned in my journey with the tarot cards. Believing in what they can do makes them do it for you. :D


skinny, pale, and serious looking?

Girl Archer

So, a friend of mine asked for a reading of herself and how her crush sees her physically. So part of the spread was 3 cards connecting to each other. the Page of wands, The moon and the Hierophant.

So this is what my idea is:

Page of wands - he sees the querent as someone young-looking/childlike.
The Moon - He sees he querent as graceful by the way she moves, or her appearance is magnetic to him.
The Hierophant - He sees he querent as decent looking/conservative and etc.

So what do you guys think? would be glad to hear your interpretations to this one. :)

While I agree with all those points, I would say he views her as the very epitome of femininity. Slim, enticing and alluring.


I'm getting a feminine, surfer/skater girl who's well dressed, smart but also dresses mainly for comfort. Down to earth appearance, unpretentious, not too much make-up (if any); slim and athletic, hiding a rocking body under casual clothes. Doesn't shop often and would rather take care of the clothes she has so they'll last.