Queen Clarified By Another Queen


I did a reading on a romantic relationship this morning, where the outcome was the Queen of Cups. I wasn't sure if the outcome was the qualities of the Queen or representing a person, so I clarified it...and got the Queen of Swords. The question does involve two women, but I don't think the Queen of Swords represented anyone, since she's a clarifying card.

What does it mean when two such different Queens clarify each other?

I used the Druidcraft deck...Queen of Cups is looking to my left, and Queen of Swords (clarifying card) to the right, in case that's relevant to feedback.



Do you read with reversals?

Its difficult to answer your questions, without more specifics. Perhaps you should post the entire spread in the "your readings section".

Courts are difficult in that they can represent the querent/(or an aspect of the clients personality) OR another individual .. OR they can represent qualities that apply to a specific situation. Or in otherwords, they can also come up when the querent needs to demonstrate or avoid certain character traits. So @ times they may suggest some inner response, not an actual person.

But for your info. the one connection i see re: a queen clarifying a queen, is that for me the Qn. of Cups (upright) can suggest someone who has KNOWLEDGE of a situation & as such may be in a position to offer advice. Further to which, i've found that this card can come up in a reading to indicate that a woman with insight is being suggested to the querent.
(OR IF the Qn Cups applys to the client, this can appear to signal that someone may turn to them for advice).

The Qn. of Swords (upright) has a "powerful role" as a keen observer & tends to use what she KNOWS along with her powers of persuasion to get what she wants.

So these 2 cards together suggest to me that "someone" has knowledge of the situation.

Also when courts appear in the outcome or advice position, this can suggest that the querent NEEDS TO: "seek out someone" who possesses the traits suggested by the court card.

Also for your info., when i read i consider the "last position" in the spread to represent possibilities, and as such the last card can suggest: the outcome or the next step, or offer advice.

So depending on the issue & the info. gleaned from the 1st. spread used, @ times i will do a series of readings in order to determine the "direction"/outcome.

Also for your info., i recently posted a "spread" used to clarify re-occuring cards, altho this spread can be used to try & gain more insight into any card!
(note: i posted my reply yesterday in the "talk" forum).


GoddessArtemis said:
I did a reading on a romantic relationship this morning, where the outcome was the Queen of Cups. I wasn't sure if the outcome was the qualities of the Queen or representing a person, so I clarified it...and got the Queen of Swords. The question does involve two women, but I don't think the Queen of Swords represented anyone, since she's a clarifying card.

What does it mean when two such different Queens clarify each other?

I used the Druidcraft deck...Queen of Cups is looking to my left, and Queen of Swords (clarifying card) to the right, in case that's relevant to feedback.


I dunno..this may seem to make no sense but whenever I get a court card I clarify to figure out if the cards mean an attitude, a message, an event or an actual PERSON. If I clarified a Queen and got another Queen I'd see it as confirmation that the outcome is to be affected by or dependent on someone....but then since the other cards and the type of spread isn't known..it's tough to say that my theory applies :D


obsidian_queen said:
.. whenever I get a court card I clarify to figure out IF the cards mean an attitude, a message an event or an actual PERSON.

IF I clarified a Queen and got another Queen I'd see it as confirmation that the outcome is to be affected by or dependent on someone....

YES .. thats how i see it too!!


jenessa said:
YES .. thats how i see it too!!

Yep - I agree, a court card clarified with another court card would tell me it's a person and not a situation/message.



There's a question I would like to ask about this kind of situation too, if you don't mind me butting in. When you see a Court as an outcome or advice, how do you know if its a seperate person or is telling you to take on/or lose some of the personality traits of the Court card?

I find it so confusing when the Courts come up.


Not that I'm going to be much help with this one, but I would look at the previous cards and the story they tell to determine whether it's the querent or an outside person.

For example, if you're doing a reading for yourself and it ends in a court card, then I would say everything that is learned in the previous cards relate to you.

But if you're reading for another person, then based on the information of the other cards, then I would determine if the outcome is the querent themselves or an outside person in their lives.

I don't know that I explained that very well, but I figured I'd share. After all, every little bit helps, right? LOL I'm anxious to see what others have to say about that question.

Have you read Mary Greer's book The Tarot Court? That's a great book and extremely helpful (although, I haven't finished it yet) so far :)



PS: obsidian_queen ??

obsidian_queen said:
.. whenever I get a court card I clarify to figure out if the cards mean an attitude, a message, an event or an actual PERSON.

MissCW said:
There's a question I would like to ask about this kind of situation too, if you don't mind me butting in. When you see a Court as an outcome or advice, how do you know if its a seperate person or is telling you to take on/or lose some of the personality traits of the Court card?

In response to the question above from MissCW, i'd like to suggest that you could try the following spread for re-occuring cards, as this can be used to delve deeper re: the meaning of ANY card that comes up!!

Position 1: What influence does this card have on Q/you?
Position 2: What are the strengths associated with this card &/or what are its positive effects?
Position 3: What are the weaknesses associated with this card &/or what are its negative effects?
Position 4: What is the overall meaning of the card for you/Q?

Further to which i posted this yesterday in the "talk forum". The thread is: "What is the best way of clarifying a card?" & My reply is on page 2. I also posted a sample reading which was used to explore a Court Card.

Now depending on what cards come-up when you do this spread, you may gain insight which will answer your questions. For eg. once you glean the possible negative &/or positive effects of the card in question, the cards potential influence on you & its overall meaning c/o this spread, you may in turn be able to determine whether to demonstrate or avoid certain character traits. Also depending on the cards drawn when you try this spread, you may gain insight re: what area of life the Courts characteristics will manifest.

PS: If obsidian_queen reads this, i'd be curious as to HOW you clarify to determine how the court card applies, given that you've indicated that you do this!!


Thats a great idea, I will do that in the future Jenessa.

And Lixi, I haven't read that book but I may be doing in the near future. I have a love/hate relationship with the Court cards - I hate seeing them and they love appearing lol!!


GA, is this "other" the same person you were reading about earlier, for 8 Pents as how they feel?

Some of the things you said about this person made me think of someone who might be both Queen Cups and Queen Swords at the same time... someone with a dual personality, sort of. A little obsessive/compulsive, a little bi-polar perhaps.

I don't know how this fits in relation to your question and the outcome, but it popped into my head...

One of the things about these two queens is sometimes it's as if they are sisters... opposite sides of the same coin, so to speak. The both are viewed in profile, one night, one day and when facing each other, seem to be in telepathic communication with each other.

Otherwise, I'm a bit stumped and have to think on this some more.