7 of Wands


Does anyone see the 7 of Wands, reversed as being on the defensive without cause? How about a strengthening of the meaning...that someone is REALLY on the defensive, maybe even being paranoid?

I just got this card as a clarification card to a two card reading I did. The question was...

What's going to happen? (regarding something)

King of Swords, reversed


9 of Swords

I felt a lot of tension here...possibly relating to authority structures, a powerful and very strict man (K/S, reversed), and some worry (9/Swords). When I asked for clarification I got 7/Wands, reversed.

The first two cards seem fairly clear that this isn't going to be fun exactly and will probably involve quite a bit of tension. However, I'm wondering about the 7/Wands reversed. Would that indicate perhaps a defensive posture where none was needed? It's a card I almost never draw...let alone reversed.


JennyM said:
However, I'm wondering about the 7/Wands reversed. Would that indicate perhaps a defensive posture where none was needed?
That is a good way of interpreting it and it seems to fit the situation you describe.
Greer describes it as 'building the Berlin Wall', and reversed it could certainly seem as if the person is going too far in defending their position.


It could mean that, certainly, but I sometimes think that's part of the upright meaning--that you might be defending yourself too strongly and without cause. I think I'd be more inclined to see the reversed card as the opposite: That you SHOULD defend your position, but are going to allow yourself to be browbeaten.

Consider the other two cards--the King/Swords reversed, a man who is not going to play fair with you, who will make cutting remarks. 9/Swords indicates sleepless nights of anxiety over it--yet another indication that you doubt your position and are upset at being questioned about it (and more inclined to surrender just to get some sleep).


Thank you for your insight.

It sort of looks like I'm going to be raked over the coals LOL Well, I think I kinda understand why there might be a very defensive posture here....but it's unnecessary. That's why I was thinking that the 7/Wands might be about that...this sort of ridiculous, overblown paranoia.


Oops..posted twice