Reversed 3 of Swords??


I read something yesterday on the the 3 of Swords reversed (from J. Bunning), and I thought about your thread.
She says that the card reverved is better than upright but the seeker has to be careful nevertheless.

It's sometimes challenging to be objective with regard to our own emotions, therefore it could make sense for you maybe (with regard to some past heartbreaking).
This card could be an advice or "a sign" saying that your emotional state isn't so bad, that is to say that there have been an improvement, but as well not so good, and with regard to this matter the card could suggest the need for caution.

Well, it's an interpretation of course! :)

Thanks for sharing this Decan. So the reversed 3 of Swords could be saying that I'm healing, but I'm not fully healed so be cautious. This makes sense actually. Thanks :)