Tarot for Yourself - entering a card


I Magic

Hey it worked this time!!

I entered the Magic card, It was kinda musty and both underground cold there but somehow warm at the same time. The messege was loud and clear. "you cannot force the magic, but if you will wait and keep studying the magic will come to you, like a cat will. As the seen faded I came back to myself with a sese of well being and a rueful"no sh*t" feeling, because I intellectually knew what she was telling me. Then I moved my blanket and loo and behold their was a cat whisker on my leg. You can bet that's going on my altar!!


High Priestess

I tried it with the High Priestiess (from the Rider-Waite), because this card intrigued me.
When I entered the card, I found myself on the embankment of a river. The weather was warm, but cool, with a nice breeze, the way it often is in the early morning in warm climates. There was nothing much to be seen, except some palm trees and the high priestess sitting at the edge of the river. I walked up to her and asked her whether she had a gift for me. She gave me a pretty little wooden box. I asked her what the gift was for and she told me I should put my past in that little box, then close it, put it away and forget about it. I thanked her and left the card.
The gift and the message were very appriopriate...


Very cool tarotlady and autunm! like I said earlier, it took me forever to get this exercise to work, but once it did I found it very powerful and helpful.


Has anyone ever experienced the reverse - a card entering *you*? It happened to me accidentally when I did the "Seeker" card of the Hallowquest Tarot. The exercise was to take the place of the Seeker (Fool) in the scene, to become the Fool. When I did this I realized that my behaviour and my sense of self changed considerably. I was "foolish" in the sense of being like "the youngest, dumbest son" of fairytales. I had an interesting conversation with my helmet <g>.
I read that it can be dangerous to call up the archetypes in yourself, that they can overpower the ego and you become "obsessed" ... That's why I never tried that sort of thing consciously. As I said, it happened by accident, and it was a very gentle experience which ended as soon as I finished the exercise. Now I'm wondering if I should try it again ... or rather not? Any opinions? Do you think I was just lucky and shouldn't repeat it?


you doing the hallowquest?
we have it going in the general section here, including the meditation you mention here.

i did the same exercise you did i suppose, become the seeker, i feel different than "myself in the here and now" yes, but i don't think this change of reality is dangerous, as i can stop it anytime i decide.
