Trimmed Borders/Altered Decks Index


Here's my WIP on the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. As you can see, it's crooked in parts and some of the black is still showing. I'm taking my time getting it evened out since it's my first trim, but I think you can see here already how it is changed by a trim. When I first got it in the mail, I felt so conflicted. I loved the images online, but the deck didn't feel very magical to me. I did a reading with it, and long story short, I felt like the deck told me that I needed to keep working to try to connect with it. So I tried trimming! I felt like the images got lost in those big black borders and I didn't like the font. Now they pop just as brightly as they did for me online.

Vee these are so amazing you did a beautiful job. Even at this distance I can see how the artwork is popping and how vibrant each card is now. Isn't it a joy to revive a wilting deck!


Forgot to mention: in another thread called "Steele Wizard" I posted up a few scans of that deck which I turned into a pocket sized version--no borders at all! It was intensely challenging to trim, these cards are thick as LPs! but the results where phenomenal, really, I can't say enough about it! If anyone wants to check them out.....please I would love to know your opinion.


Celestial tarot

Yup- those ugly blue borders HAD to go!!!

My first borderectomy. :D

Here is a pre and post attached.


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  • after1.jpg
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Holy Moley what a difference.

I'm standing in the corner with a dunce hat on. Monday I noticed the Thoth scans were out of order alphabetically so since I had all the HTML already finished I
and while everything was still highlighted
I hit the backspace button
IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, wails and flings self on Halloween candy.

Not even via the wayback machine could I find on the seventh day
I am resting. And kicking my (Y) :)


noooo, no dunce hat AJ. that does sound quite annoying though, and rest good. this has long been one of my favorite threads on AT, and seeing it finally get updated properly is so nice. you deserve all the props for your hard work!



Hey guys, I forgot to do pre and posts for my Greenwood- so I used the post trimming pics to match the ones that are listed on aeclectic at

It will take 2 posts to upload, this is 1/2- the major arcana.

Let me know what y'all think :D


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  • greenman.jpg
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  • shaman.jpg
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I'm standing in the corner with a dunce hat on. Monday I noticed the Thoth scans were out of order alphabetically so since I had all the HTML already finished I
and while everything was still highlighted
I hit the backspace button
IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, wails and flings self on Halloween candy.
I hope the candy has helped to improve your mood again!

The next time you accidentally hit "backspace," please hit Ctrl + Z immediately afterwards. That should bring everything back. That is, if I understood right what happened. (Note: This probably works differently on a Mac.)


I suspect people are in shock that you took scissors to a Greenwood :laugh:


Indeed Penthasilia you are quite the ruthless warrior indeed lol! It sure took balls to do that to your Greenwood! I'll admit I did inhale in horror at the notion but I totally won over after seeing the great job you did and the wonderful effect. They are beautiful though! And the celestial tarot took a turn for the better too....a source of never ending wonder, this trimming.
I also posted a "pocket edition" of Shadow and Light tarot which turned out phenomenal but it was in another thread and I don't know where it is now--lost in space!
And does anyone own the Stone tarot? that was my first borderectomy--ah, how I remember it well...