The Four D's of Effective Management Spread (4)


Learned this in class a while back, thought I would make a spread out of it for help with getting priorities in order. Enjoy! :)

1. What I need to DO now:
2. What I need to DELEGATE to someone else:
3. What I need to DELAY for now:
4. What I need to DUMP entirely:


Thanks Amanda. Just used the spread and it was good. This can be used all situation including corporate.
Learned this in class a while back, thought I would make a spread out of it for help with getting priorities in order. Enjoy! :)

1. What I need to DO now:
2. What I need to DELEGATE to someone else:
3. What I need to DELAY for now:
4. What I need to DUMP entirely:


Sorry I missed your response, thanks for trying it out! I'm glad you liked it! :thumbsup:


Gosh, I got some interesting cards for this one ! Will be posting over in YR probably. Thanks for another spread ! :thumbsup: