Help interpreting Horary Chart


Can someone help me interpret a Horary Chart. I am a beginner in astrology and have stumbled across the power of Horary. Have googled but still find it difficult.


Can someone help me interpret a Horary Chart. I am a beginner in astrology and have stumbled across the power of Horary. Have googled but still find it difficult.

I've been away for a few days so missed your post. Yes horary is not easy tostart with but we have a DIY Horary thread that might help

What question did you ask?

What chart did you get? (Time, Date, Place)

How far did you get? (Doesn't matter if you didn't get anywhere but I don't want to tell you what you already know)

PS Don't post a picture of the chart, it,s easier for me if you just state the three bits of info requested


Hi Minderwiz

I'm sorry for the late reply. Thank you for offering to help. Just a bit of the background, I have been given a verbal guarantee that my contract will be renewed. I am still waiting for the official contract.

What question did you ask?
Should I accept the new contract my work offering me and will I be happy at the new location?

How far did you get? (Doesn't matter if you didn't get anywhere but I don't want to tell you what you already know)

Horary Asc 12 Cap conj my natal sun - This is a pressing matter for me.
Saturn is in 10th house in Scorpio. MC is in 0 Libra, ruler venus is in Virgo (fall). Saturn sextile venus - good so I will be offered new contract. But Saturn in Scorpio, where I have had to face many challenges in my current location and constantly defend myself. Will I have to do that for the new location too? Venus in fall so I guess my contract at the new location is not very solid either. Horary IC conj my natal vertex 1 Lib, so this is a fated situation?

I'm not sure if this is right so far and what I should be looking for. Just wondering if the chart would show up anything regarding work.

Thank you kindly


Hi Minderwiz

What question did you ask?
Should I accept the new contract my work offering me and will I be happy at the new location?

How far did you get? (Doesn't matter if you didn't get anywhere but I don't want to tell you what you already know)

Horary Asc 12 Cap conj my natal sun - This is a pressing matter for me.
Saturn is in 10th house in Scorpio. MC is in 0 Libra, ruler venus is in Virgo (fall). Saturn sextile venus - good so I will be offered new contract. But Saturn in Scorpio, where I have had to face many challenges in my current location and constantly defend myself. Will I have to do that for the new location too? Venus in fall so I guess my contract at the new location is not very solid either. Horary IC conj my natal vertex 1 Lib, so this is a fated situation?

I'm not sure if this is right so far and what I should be looking for. Just wondering if the chart would show up anything regarding work.

Thank you kindly

Looking at the chart, one thing strikes me - the Moon is Void of Course

. The Moon is at 24 Taurus and no planet is in more than 18 degrees of a sign (Mercury in Cancer) furthermore only Saturn is in less than 6 degrees of a sign (5 Scorpio) so the Moon will not either perfect or apply to any planet before it changes sign, with that planet being in the early degrees of a sign. The Moon's next major aspect is to Jupiter which is just short of 8 degrees Cancer.

I get Saturn conjunct the eleventh cusp (Regiomontanus) so I'd take the chart as very much a signification of your hopes and aspirations, rather than the outcome.


Thank you, Minderwiz.