9 of Pentacles Reversed Clarified by Empress?

Pique Dame

If you pulled this combination in an outcome position, how would you read it? I can see the similarity between 9/Pents upright and Empress, but 9/Pents reversed and Empress don't really appear to have much in common with each other. In fact, they seem downright contradictory.
But perhaps the reversed 9 isn't as negative as I think it is. (It's like the tarot is quoting the movie Princess Bride: "I don't think it means what you think it means.") 9's are related to the Hermit, and every character in a 9 card is alone, surrounded by their suit but without company. The Hermit Rx can sometimes mean the end of isolation and coming out into the world again, so maybe the 9/P lady is joining the outside world again. Instead of feeling completely on her own for everything, she finally feels like her needs are being taken care of, as is the case with the Empress. Another interpretation I read on this forum talks about the walls around the 9/P woman's heart are coming down and she's ready to receive love (Empress).
I know one time I drew a reversed 9/P as the outcome to a job interview, which I took to mean it would be a no-go. But I ended up getting that job and it's been going very well for me. (I thought I had posted about that on here but can't find the post for the life of me!)
Anyway, I've been contemplating this unlikely pair all week and finally decided to ask the AT hivemind for input.


the first thing that comes to mind for me is a motherly (or mature) woman who cannot keep her finances controlled.... perhaps she's overspending or does not have enough income coming in to meet her material needs.


On its own, I would read it as a miscarriage (or abortion) but obviously context is hugely important.

Pique Dame

the first thing that comes to mind for me is a motherly (or mature) woman who cannot keep her finances controlled.... perhaps she's overspending or does not have enough income coming in to meet her material needs.
So the Empress is clarifying that the woman is motherly or mature despite not being able to balance her budget. I might be able to see that in general or career readings.

On its own, I would read it as a miscarriage (or abortion) but obviously context is hugely important.
:O Wow! I wouldn't have ever thought of that! How interesting. I've seen miscarriage described as Empress + Tower or Empress + 3 of Swords, possibly a reversed Empress. But that's more of a combination reading than a clarifier. In this case, the Rx 9/Pents is the loss of something valuable and the Empress is saying it's related to pregnancy and procreation.