What kind of relationship is the six of cups?


As far as I know, the six of cups is about memories of the past and pops up when someone from the past is lingering around. However, I have just gotten into a new relationship and whenever I've done any readings about it, this one always seems to pop up.
I've heard the six of cups never denotes anything about the present, but whenever I see the card in these spreads I think of a beautiful innocence, a real sweetness, something very pure. My gut reaction to the card is that it shows the kind of relationship it is and it makes me burst with joy.
But how can a card about the past be stalking me when I'm in something new? I've always been a very nostalgic person and my usual mode is to be reflecting and chasing the past. However, the irony is this is the first time in 5+ years that the past isn't interfering in my life at all and I'm totally content!

Most recently it's popped up in a Celtic cross spread. My boyfriend just went overseas for two months and I asked about how it will affect our relationship. The six of cups was smack bang in the middle crossed over by strength (obvious meaning I think, I'm having to keep my inner strength to deal with missing him etc) so I think it's very clearly about the relationship.

Any ideas?


But how can a card about the past be stalking me when I'm in something new? I've always been a very nostalgic person and my usual mode is to be reflecting and chasing the past.
Something about this "new" person may be indirectly reminding you of someone from your past, if the 6 of Cups is often drawn... Someone for whom you have innocently idealized and/or unresolved feelings... And there are often clues to be found regarding who the previous or 'original' person is.

Your subconscious mind could be enlisted to help solve the mystery... For instance, if you've recently dreamed about someone who's now departed from your life, particularly if it was a dream that left you stirring and wondering, "What did that mean?" or "Why on Earth did I dream about them now?", then that could be the ticket.



I've heard the six of cups never denotes anything about the present...

I also hear that often. But isn't it strange that there's a card for "the past"? If so, then I wonder what is the card for "the future," and can we just use that? :)


I think that it's too simplistic to speak in absolutes when it comes to the Tarot. I don't think that it can never depict the present. Instead, I think that it helps to illustrate the ties that the past holds on us in the present. Sort of like what was mentioned above, with how this new person is reminding you of someone/something else from the past.
What do you imagine that it might be?

Additionally, this card may be guiding you to think about what's worked for you in the past, and what hasn't, so that you can keep what's good and ignore the rest as you embark on something new. There's something to be said for integrating previous life lessons into present day.


It could be a soulmate type connection. One that transcends time and place. So would fit the living overseas and suggest you'll work through it.

It could also be about past lives, or childhood sweethearts.

Or it could mean that one of you is a bit childish or the relationship itself is.


Known Joy: Familiar and Comfortable

As far as I know, the six of cups is about memories of the past and pops up when someone from the past is lingering around.
Actually, this is a common misunderstanding of what the card really means. Which is "Known joy." I mean, yes, it's about something past because you have to "know" that joy already. But it doesn't have to be nostalgia or memories of the past. It can simply be "in my comfort zone." Whatever that comfort zone is. In a relationship spread, it can be telling you that you picked this person because they're a "Known" quality--a type you recognize and know won't challenge, surprise or upset you.

Rather like picking a romantic comedy movie for date night. It's not that this movie reminds you of some movie from your past. It's that you *know* exactly what you're going to get with this movie--and it's the type of thing you *know* you tend to enjoy. Putting it another way: this is always picking chocolate dessert from a menu rather than trying something you've never heard of before, because there's a good chance you'll like it.

This staying within the comfort zone (like those children within the walls of the guarded fort) is not a bad thing nor a good thing. There is no judgement on it. It just is. We all have our comfort zones; place that restore our emotional harmony--and it's up to us to decide if and when to venture from them. To pick something exotic off the dessert menu rather than go for chocolate again. And yes, the card can also mean someone or something from your past that gives you joy. An old friend, flipping through old pictures, traditions and rituals passed down for generations, snuggling under an old quilt or making an old family recipe. But it doesn't have to always mean something from our past. Just something that feels familiar and comfortable.

mrs ahab

I wonder if you could look at this way, if your boyfriend is away for 2 months then naturally you will be thinking back to the happy times when you were together. This could be a perfect example of nostalgia, with strength showing you must remain strong during this time.