General Oracles Study Group: Week 14


Well this has proven to be a very interesting exercise - I've done three picks of two cards on different days with no intention of doing a reading, no question and no layout, but there are so many similar ideas here I think I may have been given a reading anyway. The themes appear to be -

Love of life, feeling comfortable with oneself and enjoying a feeling of health - from the Dance, Rose and Magenta cards.

Letting go of things that have served their purpose and are no longer needed - Autumnal Equinox and Auburn.

Exploring new realms, hidden things being revealed, self discovery and spirituality - Willow and Magenta.

Things are definitely being revealed here; I wonder though exactly what I should be letting go of? The reading itself suggests definite questions and predetermined layouts are not necessary, just pull some cards, and I have already just about given up on the systems and structures of the various Tarots and their interpreters. Having already disposed of my first Tarot decks in favour of those allowing for a more intuitive approach, then being led to the Oracle decks, I am beginning to get the feeling that perhaps the entire Tarot genre with its classical mythologies, astrology, planets, elements and collections of medieval hardware is not the best fit for my needs. Perhaps my Higher Self will offer an opinion. :)


No, I couldn't ditch my Mystic Dreamer Tarot, the cards are still very attractive and it reads well from just looking at the images, I think the message must be to just abandon the complicated interpretive structures. I also still hold out some hope my Shining Tribe Tarot will fulfil its promise of meanings rooted in the relations between prehistoric people and Nature - it should be possible to learn the meanings of the rather obscure symbols and colour codes then read it intuitively and ignore all the later Greek, Hebrew, Sumerian, Minoan, Hindu etc. stuff the author couldn't resist jamming into the book. Look, if you plant the first tree in the world you should be happy that a snake, bird and spirit make their homes in it, not get your mate to chop it down to make furniture. :rolleyes:


Okay...going out on a limb here ....I'm off from the Wisdom from the Hidden Realms cards (just for a bit....) and I want to post two cards from two different decks.

First I will post two cards from: Runes for instant Prediction

These cards can be read reversed also.

Card 1: Teiwaz (Force) Upright it means courage and will power while reversed it is Lack of energy and Weakness. The rune symbol is an arrow pointing upward. What instantly comes to mind is God or Higher Spirit and the courage that comes from "above". If I was renaming this card I think perhaps I would call it "Look Up." Look to the heavens for guidance, strenght, and understanding.

Card 2: Ansuz (Communication) Advice and wisdom while reversed it is Biased Advice and Deceit. This reminds me of the staff of a music note with out the circle at the bottom. There are two lines that remind me communication is between at least two people. I can't really think of a logical name to rename this card so IDK.

Second I will post two cards from Madame Endora's Fortune Telling Cards.

Card 1: The Caduceus: You will receive good news from afar. The two serpents wrapped around the handle doesn't seem like "good news" This image against the black background is quite striking. This is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology. And also by others such as Iris, the messanger of in that sense the receiving of news makes perfect sense. And since it is sometimes in the left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, perhaps it is good news afterall, although of course all news from the gods is not good! :)

Card 2: The Satyr (Revelry and Indulgence) This half man half animal creature does look like some one who would indulge and maybe not in the best of things...wild romps and crazy behavior jumps into my head in regard to this card.


I couldn't find images of those particular rune cards, just another deck, but those agree with you. A god holding a large sword down with the tip touching the Earth, and another god with a wolf and two ravens, no doubt bringing messages. The Madame Endora cards are nice, the images really stand out against that unusual black background. The serpents might be wise ones I suppose. I notice a similarity between Ansuz and Caduceus there - you have even mentioned "staff" in both. I am beginning to wonder if the spirits don't like to waste "exercises" by picking totally meaningless cards. :lightbulb: