The Castle with 12 (15) Rooms


I came across this spread in the companion booklet (aka. "the little white booklet" = LWB) of the Universal Fantasy Tarot by Lo Scarabeo (2006). This seems to work very well and this has quickly become one of my favourite spreads so I thought I´d share this with you.

Castle With 12 Rooms

Shuffle the deck and pull 9 cards and place them face down in three rows (cards 1-9 in the diagram below).
Pull three (six in the original) more cards and place them face up in a single row on top. (cards 10-12 (13-15) in the diagram).

Ask a question and turn over one of the nine cards.
See if this card corresponds with any of the ones that are face up at the top. Minor, Major, Court, number, suit, same colors or any other similarities you may notice are good. Your answer can then be read from these two cards together.

You can repeat the process and ask another question and a third if you want. (The original has you pull six cards face up and ask six questions but I find that a bit too much for one sitting.)

If there is no similarity between the card you turned over and the ones that are right side up at the top this will give your reply more wight since you only have one card (the upturned card) to answer your question and no help from the top row cards.

Out of the 9 cards (1-9) you only turn over the ones you have questions for. One question-one card, two questions-two cards etc. You don´t look at the others, they are just extra ones.

I hope I was able to explain this clearly!
Here is the diagram:

10-11-12 (-13-14-15) (These are all right side up)


(these are face down when you begin and as you proceed you pick one for each question that you have)


I've seen this spread in the above-mentioned LWB, and I've been intending to give it a try and then kept forgetting about it. :D Thanks for reminding about this spread, now I'm going to give it a try at last! :)