Suggestions for making a "New Year" spread.

Gemini Rising

I was thinking as a nice way to bring in the New Year, I wanted to try and do a spread for 2009...but since I couldn't find one that satisfied me, I figured I would make my own.

A few cards I wanted to include were:

•What is the current situation I am going into the New Year with?
•How will this year be different from last year?
•How similar?
•What should I change?
•What should I keep the same?
•What will the outcome of this year be?
•And maybe a final "What should my resolution be?" card.

These were just a couple ideas that I had (I want it to be on the larger side), but I wanted to hear some other opinions. I'm wondering if maybe I should go specific and throw in cards for romance, career, family, etc, keep it general, find a happy medium, or even make a spread for general and another for specific.

What kinds things would you like to see in a New Year's spread? Any input is appreciated, I'd love to make a spread collectively. :)

Haunted Wood

I think you could make a spread just with those questions...I think fewer cards are better, I kind of feel overwhelmed pulling a card for each month.