~New Year's Spread~


IR, thank you so much for sharing this spread! I did it with Fairytale Tarot and i loved it, especially the "QC card" calculation - it's a first time i did something of a kind - really exciting :D

Indigo Rose

.traveller. said:
Thank you again for such a concise and useful spread :)

moderndayruth said:
IR, thank you so much for sharing this spread! I did it with Fairytale Tarot and i loved it, especially the "QC card" calculation - it's a first time i did something of a kind - really exciting :D

You are welcome! I'm glad to share techniques I've had success with in Tarot. It's also great to know the spread is useful. Thank you for the positive feedback! :D

:heart: IR

Harlequin Kitty

Hi, Indigo Rose :) I've tried your spread but I changed it a little bit. Instead of seasons I asked about the most important spheres in the Querent's life, and namely:
1. Private life
2. Job
3. Phinances
4. Spiritual growth
Besides, I drew 2 additionals for each card in main positions what made up 12 cards totally + QS and SC.
Thanks a lot for this interesting spread :)


Thankyou for sharing this spread, cant wait to try it!!


This one looks interesting, I must try it out !


I did this spread last night and it was amazing. Thanks!


wow this looks like a fun spread ~ iwill have to try it!


Great spread. Thanks for sharing.
It gave me some much needed practice b/c interpreting the cards challenged the heck out of me!


this was a great spread and thanks so much for sharing. i got a really interesting reading (all wands-that never happened before) and it was spot on with what i had already planned to be doing. so it was really insightful to go deeper.

thanks :D