Working with Labradorite


Sorry messed up the quotes in my last post and can't seem to fix them. Hope you can make sense of it.

No problem :) I sent you a PM on how quotes work.


Wednesday and yesterday were...well, weird days for me. I can't say it was the Labradorite, just life, I think. and today is a bit sad too, as I just heard from my cousin that her mother died. They lost their baby sister last month, and it was just too much for her mom, who would've been 90. So mom died early this morning.

I just cannot get much into meditation right now with all that is going on and the holiday weekend starting too, and so much going on around here. But, I will say that my 'fullness' is continuing and I nearly have to force myself to eat meals. :laugh: HURRAY! I may lose a few more pounds, which would be welcomed. ;)

My labradorite was held under a lamp, as it has been overcast here mostly, the last few days, threatening rain constantly, but always happening as a light drizzle. :rolleyes: rain would be welcomed, as long as it doesn't happen Sat. Sun. or Monday! :D

anyway, the stone has a mostly green look to it--mossy look, which I now recall is the reason I first liked the stone. green is my fave color, and I'm drawn to it. but when it is not under the light-it just looks muddy. its small enough to even put in my change purse, but I carry it in my pants pockets instead.

Since I've not taken the time to meditate with this stone, I really cannot say anymore is happening with it, so I will try harder after the holiday and hopefully something will come to be then for me to share.

Noodle, i also hope you continue to share with us here, the more the merrier!


Wednesday and yesterday were...well, weird days for me. I can't say it was the Labradorite, just life, I think. and today is a bit sad too, as I just heard from my cousin that her mother died. They lost their baby sister last month, and it was just too much for her mom, who would've been 90. So mom died early this morning.

I just cannot get much into meditation right now with all that is going on and the holiday weekend starting too, and so much going on around here. But, I will say that my 'fullness' is continuing and I nearly have to force myself to eat meals. :laugh: HURRAY! I may lose a few more pounds, which would be welcomed. ;)

My labradorite was held under a lamp, as it has been overcast here mostly, the last few days, threatening rain constantly, but always happening as a light drizzle. :rolleyes: rain would be welcomed, as long as it doesn't happen Sat. Sun. or Monday! :D

anyway, the stone has a mostly green look to it--mossy look, which I now recall is the reason I first liked the stone. green is my fave color, and I'm drawn to it. but when it is not under the light-it just looks muddy. its small enough to even put in my change purse, but I carry it in my pants pockets instead.

Since I've not taken the time to meditate with this stone, I really cannot say anymore is happening with it, so I will try harder after the holiday and hopefully something will come to be then for me to share.

Noodle, i also hope you continue to share with us here, the more the merrier!

Take your time, CelticN :) you can only work at your own pace, and the thread will still be here after the holiday!

Yes, the Labradorite does really help one stay away from temptations, I found that too. And it does ease the "empty" or hungry feeling a lot. Maybe it is because it helps us to realise that "filling the hole" can only be done from within, that we are all complete within and that there really is no hole, and therefore no excessive hunger for things we don't need. So, large helpings, drinks, or shopping are no longer so necessary or desireable ;)

Your stone sounds lovely, maybe you can post a pic? Mine also looks muddy if I look through it from behind the stones into the light, but the tops of it look so flashy and full of "Labradoressence" (that Northern Lights blue and green effect...) I will post pictures of mine here later, so please do the same! I think pictures of the crystals we are working with will really help flesh out the threads, and identify the stones for all to see :) It was Pam O's idea! And what a very good idea it was :laugh: thanks, Pam O!


taking a short lunch/snack break and of course, came here! :D

Your stone sounds lovely, maybe you can post a pic? Mine also looks muddy if I look through it from behind the stones into the light, but the tops of it look so flashy and full of "Labradoressence" (that Northern Lights blue and green effect...) I will post pictures of mine here later, so please do the same! I think pictures of the crystals we are working with will really help flesh out the threads, and identify the stones for all to see :) It was Pam O's idea! And what a very good idea it was :laugh: thanks, Pam O!

lol. I can NEVER get my pictures to work well posting them here. I did fairly well awhile ago, and not sure if it is 'me' or my old computer laptop that I am working on. My laptop is quite old and it is quite ornery, too. I have to pound on some of the keys to get the letter to show up, as they don't like to work, I'm missing one of the top line keys (F4), which thank God, I don't really need to have, and many times the computer just freezes. :p I generally have to rely on the hubby to help me do anything 'special' with the computer anymore. He sometimes resorts to standing over me, telling me step by step what to do, and it STILL doesn't always work, which then frustrates both of us. this laptop is really trying to teach us patience, I think. :laugh: We are hoping it will last till December, when I can get a new one for Christmas.

I think it is my 'energy' as I often have problems with anything electrical. but it sure does get frustrating!

If I can get the hubby to help me, I will post a pic. it is a small stone though, not even as big as a dime--so not sure how great a shot I'll be able to get of it.


Jumping in briefly as I´d love to share a few things. I love this stone and I have been using it on and off for decades. It´s one of the few gemstones that are mined in Finland and we call it Spectrolite.

My parents divorced when I was in my teens and that was a difficult time for me, of course. I had a ring that I loved to wear and I would feel a very strong calming, healing and grounding energy coming from it. I don´t remember where I got the ring. The stone was very big and grey and I remember thinking it was granite. The bedrock in Finland is mostly granite and we have some nice pink and green varieties that are sometimes polished and made into jewelry. So I thought my ring was granite. I occasionally saw a flash of beautiful blue or green on the surface and I thought it was lovely but a bit odd for granite. Well, it took me years before I found out that it was actually Spectrolite (Labradorite). I will never forget the way it helped me get through those difficult years with its calming and healing affect. I still have that ring but I do not wear it anymore.

I have a spectrolite and silver pendant that I love to wear from time to time whenever I need grounding and need to feel "whole". In my mind I usually connect this crystal with the number 13 and with the Dark Goddesses; amysterious, magical and very healing.

I must add that I´ve recently seen a truly beautiful pendant where a rather blue colored spectrolite is set in gold. It looks magnificent. Drool drool..


That is a very interesting post, Hemera. I am so glad you told us about your Spectrolite, though of course I was sad to hear about your difficulties during the teen years - hard enough to get through even being a teen, without all the extra emotional turmoil of a divorce!

It truly is a beautiful stone, in its Spectrolite incarnation, and I can relate to what you say about it being grounding and calming. My Labradorite makes me feel this way, too ;)

Funny too that you mentioned its association with the number 13, as DownwardS has been seeing a lot of 3's and 13's while wearing it! ;)


Last night's meditation with the stone was truly odd, I kept seeing these funny lego-like balls and hexagons - like puzzle cubes made out of blocks - and each surface had a word written on it, common words like "extraordinary" or "difficult" etc. Funny, now I think about it, they were all adjectives to do with describing emotional perceptions. The puzzles would whizz past me, break into many pieces with more words written on the inside of the pieces, then remake themselves quickly back into puzzle state. They were moving so very fast I could not adequately read what was written on them! I begged the stone to slow down, so I could see, but it kept speeding past. It turned into lights and flickers and then it all kind of went away, and I found myself dozing off. Odd.

I dreamed that my brother-in-law was hugging me, and I was sobbing on his shoulder. That is all I can remember of the dream...I do not know if this is significant - I have not seen him in over a year, and he is coming to stay for a week at the end of June!

This morning, as I played with my dogs, I felt exceedingly calm inside, and I suddenly had this moment of enlightenment where I remembered that all of the Universe is inside me. I made a comment to CelticN in her post about it curbing hunger, because I have had the same sensation of feeling full and being one with myself.

I think this is a fabulous stone to work with, it truly has power, and it resonates on a strong spiritual frequency. It brings incredible depth, peace and objectivity; it helps regulate the emotions; it helps you express what you are thinking clamly; and it feels like wearing protective armour, to me! It curbs tendencies to overspend, overeat, or over-indulge in anything not conducive to health, mental or physical, so I believe it to be of extraordinary value in healing.

I will be removing mine today - as much as I have enjoyed working with it, I now need to stimulate manifestation, and so I will be wearing Alexandrite. My Labradorite study ends here, for the moment :)

This is my set of Labradorite, that I have been wearing (I show front and back of bracelet, so you can see how it looks "muddy" from behind!) :


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taking a short lunch/snack break and of course, came here! :D

lol. I can NEVER get my pictures to work well posting them here. I did fairly well awhile ago, and not sure if it is 'me' or my old computer laptop that I am working on. My laptop is quite old and it is quite ornery, too. I have to pound on some of the keys to get the letter to show up, as they don't like to work, I'm missing one of the top line keys (F4), which thank God, I don't really need to have, and many times the computer just freezes. :p I generally have to rely on the hubby to help me do anything 'special' with the computer anymore. He sometimes resorts to standing over me, telling me step by step what to do, and it STILL doesn't always work, which then frustrates both of us. this laptop is really trying to teach us patience, I think. :laugh: We are hoping it will last till December, when I can get a new one for Christmas.

I think it is my 'energy' as I often have problems with anything electrical. but it sure does get frustrating!

If I can get the hubby to help me, I will post a pic. it is a small stone though, not even as big as a dime--so not sure how great a shot I'll be able to get of it.

I am sure it is still a lovely stone - I hope you can get the picture in! :D I also hope you can get your new computer this year :)


Last night's meditation with the stone was truly odd, I kept seeing these funny lego-like balls and hexagons - like puzzle cubes made out of blocks - and each surface had a word written on it, common words like "extraordinary" or "difficult" etc. Funny, now I think about it, they were all adjectives to do with describing emotional perceptions. The puzzles would whizz past me, break into many pieces with more words written on the inside of the pieces, then remake themselves quickly back into puzzle state. They were moving so very fast I could not adequately read what was written on them! I begged the stone to slow down, so I could see, but it kept speeding past. It turned into lights and flickers and then it all kind of went away, and I found myself dozing off. Odd.

I dreamed that my brother-in-law was hugging me, and I was sobbing on his shoulder. That is all I can remember of the dream...I do not know if this is significant - I have not seen him in over a year, and he is coming to stay for a week at the end of June!

This morning, as I played with my dogs, I felt exceedingly calm inside, and I suddenly had this moment of enlightenment where I remembered that all of the Universe is inside me. I made a comment to CelticN in her post about it curbing hunger, because I have had the same sensation of feeling full and being one with myself.

I think this is a fabulous stone to work with, it truly has power, and it resonates on a strong spiritual frequency. It brings incredible depth, peace and objectivity; it helps regulate the emotions; it helps you express what you are thinking clamly; and it feels like wearing protective armour, to me! It curbs tendencies to overspend, overeat, or over-indulge in anything not conducive to health, mental or physical, so I believe it to be of extraordinary value in healing.

I will be removing mine today - as much as I have enjoyed working with it, I now need to stimulate manifestation, and so I will be wearing Alexandrite. My Labradorite study ends here, for the moment :)

This is my set of Labradorite, that I have been wearing (I show front and back of bracelet, so you can see how it looks "muddy" from behind!) :

Very interesting Lotus as I realised yesterday my emotions have been amped up all week...hahaha this stone is a little ampifier at everything. Interestingly after a very painful yesterday, today it felt like my energy had shifted and I've felt calm as well as protected. LOL especially around my heart....and funny because today I was imagining my heart wearing a suit of armor.

Also interesting that Hemera associates this crystal with 13 as yes it seems to be everywhere...although I have to say along with the shift in energy today I started noticing more 2s...though the 11's and 13s were still coming through.

As far as noticing signs since I work with mail there's all sorts of things written on letters magazines etc....though for the most part only once in a while will a title or something written catch my eye. Lately though things seem to "jump" out at me and when that happens I take note and write it down.


for CN.....

CN I'm so sorry to hear things haven't been going so has a way of getting in the way sometimes. As Lotus said this thread will still be here when your ready.